Ashland Lake Gun Club


  1. Tactical Shotgun Classes:

A properly configured shotgun is an awesome weapon in the hands of a skilled user. It has numerous civilian, law enforcement and military applications. Due to its popularity as a hunting gun, a shotgun of some type can be found in the homes of most gun owners. For purposes of competition, the various configurations have been broken up into three classes: Stock Riot Gun, Enhanced Tactical Shotgun and Swamp Fox Shotgun.

The Stock Riot Gun class is the basic configuration generally used for law enforcement, home defense and military applications. These are typically short barreled, pump or autoloader, extended magazine capacity shotguns. Recoil reduction modifications and accessories, such as porting, compensators and recoil reducers are not allowed in this class, unless the barrel is under 18” (NFA gun). This is not because they aren’t “tactically sound”, but purely for competition reasons. The “typical” shotgun for this class is the Remington 870 shotgun, with 18 ½” barrel, 2 round magazine extension and rifle or ghost ring sights. Full power or “Tactical / Reduced Recoil” ammunition is allowed in this class.

The Enhanced Tactical Shotgun class was designed to accommodate virtually everything else. Most of the features that place a shotgun in this class make them easier and faster to shoot, because of weight, recoil reduction modifications and longer barrels / sight radii. This class accommodates the “Three Gun” competition type shotguns, such as the Benelli M1 Super 90 Practical, in addition to standard field guns, which have longer barrels (28” max). In other words, you can take your Remington 870 / 1100 pheasant / rabbit gun, add an extended magazine, and you are ready to go. Full power or “Tactical / Reduced Recoil” ammunition is allowed in this class.

The Swamp Fox Shotgun class was designed to reward the shooters who favor the old school reliability of a pump gun, over slightly more speed, and only allows the use of full power ammunition. No gadgets or gimmicks like optics, porting / compensators or other recoil reduction modifications are allowed. Please note that most pump-action Stock Riot Guns can compete in the Swamp Fox Shotgun class, if they are shooting full power ammunition.

    1. Stock Riot Gun:

      1. Pump, Lever or Autoloader

      2. 10 or 12 ga.

      3. 19” barrel maximum, smooth bore only, any choke (all NFA rules apply for barrel lengths less than 18”)

      4. No porting, compensators or other recoil reduction devices, such as: weights, spring systems, mercury tubes, etc., may be used. (NFA guns with barrels less than 18” may use recoil reduction modifications.)

      5. Iron sights only, no optics

      6. Guns may be loaded to a maximum of 6 + 1 rounds, standard tubular magazines only.

      7. The use of speed loader tubes is not allowed in this class.

      8. The use of a sling may be required for some matches.

      9. Full-power or Tactical / Reduced Recoil Ammunition may be used in this class.

    1. Enhanced Tactical Shotgun

      1. Pump, Lever or Autoloader

      2. 10, 12 ga., or 20 ga. (see ammo restrictions)

      3. 28” barrel maximum (including compensators), smooth bore only, any choke (all NFA rules apply for barrel lengths less than 18”)

      4. Porting and compensators are allowed. Other recoil reduction devices may be used as long as they are contained within the stock, receiver or magazine tube. For example, a mercury or spring-recoil reduction system that is contained with the stock is allowed, an external, clamp-on weight or mercury tube is NOT allowed.

      5. Iron sights, optical or electronic sights are allowed.

      6. Guns may be loaded to a maximum of 8 + 1 rounds, box magazines allowed. The use of speed loader tubes is allowed in this class.

      7. The use of a sling may be required for some matches.

      8. Full-power or Tactical / Reduced Recoil Ammunition may be used in this class.

      9. Please note that if a shotgun has ANY of the items listed as only legal in the Enhanced Tactical Shotgun classes, it will not qualify for the other two classes.

    1. Swamp Fox Shotgun:

      1. Pump action only

      2. 10 or 12 ga.

      3. 22” barrel maximum, smooth bore only, any choke (all NFA rules apply for barrel lengths less than 18”)

      4. No porting, compensators or other recoil reduction devices, such as: weights, spring systems, mercury tubes, etc., may be used. (NFA guns with barrels less than 18” may use recoil reduction modifications.)

      5. Iron sights only, no optics

      6. Guns may be loaded to a maximum of 8 + 1 rounds, standard tubular magazines only.

      7. The use of speed loader tubes is not allowed in this class.

      8. The use of a sling may be required for some matches.

      9. Full-power ammunition only may be used in this class.

  1. Ammunition and Carriers (The following rules apply to all classes):

    1. Ammunition Requirements:

      1. Full-power Ammunition: (e.g.: 9 pellet 00, 16 pellet #1, 27 pellet #4, all with MAX dram equivalent powder charge) and 1 oz (minimum) rifled slugs are the standard loads which meet the standard of “full power ammunition”. Heavy birdshot loads may used, if they meet the following requirements: 1 ¼ oz. or heavier shot charge of #6 or larger LEAD birdshot AND 3 ¼ or heavier dram equivalent of powder. Typically, birdshot loads marketed as “hi-brass” or “heavy field” loads meet these requirements. Shot charge weight and dram equivalent powder charge is usually noted on the outside of the box. It should be noted that many of these birdshot loads, although acceptable for competition, do not knock over Pepper Poppers as well as the better buckshot loads.

      2. Tactical / Reduced Recoil Ammunition: The large ammunition companies all market buckshot and slugs known as “tactical” or “reduced recoil” ammunition. Typically, it has either a lower powder charge, less pellets, or a combination of the two. Any factory buckshot or slug load referred to in this way may be used. In addition, any buckshot or birdshot load (#6 birdshot minimum), including 20 ga., whose published ballistics meet or exceed a power factor of 525,000 (shot weight in grains X velocity in fps) may be used in the Enhanced Tactical Shotgun divisions. Factory published data (shot weight and velocity) must be presented to the match directors for any ammunition that does not meet the 1 oz - 3 ¼ dram standard for this class. For example, Remington’s 20 ga. #3 buckshot, 20-pellet load exceeds the power factor of many 12 ga “tactical buckshot” loads, according to factory published data, so it is usable in the Enhanced classes. If a shooter is competing with a gun that would otherwise be classified as a Swamp Fox Shotgun, but is using “tactical” or “reduced recoil” ammunition, they will be bumped down into the Stock Riot Gun class. “Shorty” ammo, like the type made by Aguila will not be allowed. Shooters who choose to use these loads should understand that they are not as effective at knocking down pepper poppers. Use of choke tubes and more precise aiming may be required to consistently knock down pepper poppers.

      3. Note: Ladies will be accommodated to the extent that it is possible, so that they can take part in this physically demanding competition. This includes allowing any safe ammunition that would not normally qualify for competition. Contact the directors for details.

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Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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