2018 Francis Marion Memorial

Swamp Fox Assault XXXVIII – Saturday, August 4th

The Adventures of Jackson Cockbriar

Course Description and Equipment Requirements:

Feel free to contact us with questions at: sw625man@yahoo.com

Please print out and mail the attached form to:

Tim Swineford
852 Stone Creek Blvd.
Ashland, Ohio 45805

Registration forms and checks (or some form of communication) must be received by July 20th if you would like a t-shirt, August 2nd if you are just shooting.

NOTE: The T-shirt this year is going to be a very special tribute to our gone, but not forgotten brother, Jason Henthorne. If he was important to you, you’re going to want to own this shirt.

Tips for New Shooters:

  1. Most of your reloads will be required to be what we call a “Ready-Position Reload”. The exception to this rule, are transition loads from buckshot to slugs, or vice versa, since that can be complicated. Here is a youtube video of ALGC’s very own celebrity spokesmodel, Roy Mitchell, demonstrating both correct and incorrect ways to perform this reload: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUAibU5c_7M

  1. The trick to making it through the swamp, is to keep mud out of the action of your gun. The most common way people introduce mud to their guns, is by directly getting their ammo muddy, or by getting mud on their hands, then onto their ammo, and then into their action. Ways to avoid this:

    1. Always be conscious of how clean your “loading hand” is. If it is covered with mud, take the time to wipe it off. It is time well spent.

    2. Have multiple ammo locations on your person and weapon. Cautious shooters make sure one of them is “protected”, like in a pouch with a flap, or a very deep pocket. That is your back-up ammo. For example, a well prepared swamp shooter has ammo:

      1. In a side-saddle

      2. In a cross-chest bandolier

      3. In a belt carrier or belt bandolier

      4. In protected belt pouch or pocket with closed flap.