Ashland Lake Gun Club

Seventh Annual DARE Benefit

Police Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle Match
Saturday, June 12, 2004 0900 to 1800 hours

Purpose: To benefit the DARE Program in Ashland county and the ALGC Boy Scouts of America Explorer Post. To provide additional firearms training to Law Enforcement officers and to expose civilians to Police Firearms training.

Eligibility: All ALGC members, and all Law Enforcement Officers and U.S. citizens 21 years of age or older.

Entries: Accepted at date and time of Match. All entrants must sign a waiver of liability.

Rules: ALGC and current NRA Police Combat Pistol Rules apply

Teams: 4 person teams - May be composed of Law Enforcement Agencies, Fraternal Organizations, Military Units or Clubs. Pick-up teams permitted. Participants may be on one team only. Entries:

See the SCORES here.

Service Pistol Fundementals

Fees: $6 individual, $24 per team

Course of Fire: 48 rounds each match
STAGE 1 10 feet 6 shots 8 seconds Strong hand only, hip or point, standing without support
STAGE 2 21 feet 12 shots 25 seconds 2 hand, standing without support – Includes reloading time
STAGE 3 50 feet 12 shots 30 seconds 2 hand, standing without support – Includes reloading time
STAGE 4 75 feet 18 shots 90 seconds
  • 6 shots kneeling,using the barricade for support
  • 6 shots left side of barricade using the left hand
  • 6 shots right side of barricade using the right hand

Equipment: Any revolver or semiautomatic pistol, caliber .38 Special, .357 Magnum, 9mm Luger, .40 S&W, .45. Fixed or adjustable iron sights. Sights may be change but must remain duty serviceable and fit in a holster. NO optical sights or rib type sight systems. NO custom heavy barrels or compensators allowed. Sight radius must not be in excess of 8 inches. Use of duty issue weapons is encouraged! All weapons subject to inspection for rule compliance.
  • Grips: May be changed but remain duty type and serviceable
  • Holsters: Duty type only. No shoulder, crossdraw or spring activated holsters allowed!
  • Ammunition: Wadcutter, semiwadcutter, or round nose allowed. May be factory or hand
  • loaded. No magnum ammunition allowed. Shooters must provide own ammunition. Reloading: Must be done from shooter's person, belt loops, speedloaders, pockets or magazines. Auto pistol magazines will be with no more than 6 rounds.
Alibis: None
Targets: NRA B-27-E
Awards: To be determined.

Safety: ALGC Rules in force. No handling or loading any weapons off the firing line. Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate removal from the range. ALGC liability release must be signed by all competitors and spectators. Police Combat Pistol Rules apply

Any match may be re-entered, but only the best score counts!
Rev. 13May04

The Bowling Pins

Part 1. Service/Police Pistol
  • .38 Special, 9mm, .40S&W, or .45
  • Three tables of 5 pins each at the back of the table
  • Maximum of 8 rounds loaded per magazine
  • Match fee $4.00
Part 2. Shotgun – Pump or Auto
  • 12 or 20 gauge Advise 1-1/4 oz. of #4 shot or larger. #6 is the smallest allowed.
  • NO 7-1/2 or 8 shot permitted.
  • Three tables of 5 pins each at the front of the table
  • Match fee $4.00

Master - Counter Sniper Challenge

Any Centerfire Police Type Rifle. Telescopic sight is strongly recommended. Magazine capacity of at least 3 rounds, not greater than .35 caliber. May be equipped with sling and bipod but must be retained throughout the entire match. No weight limit. Optional equipment: Spotting scope or binoculars, range finder, ground cloth or mat, sandbags, recoil pads, or elbow pads may be used but must be carried through all stages. Tactical uniform and gloves may be worn. Heavy NRA type shooting coats and competition shooting gloves or mitts are not permitted.
Targets: SR-1 Military Type Bullseye; B-3 Rapid Fire Pistol Target
Ammunition Required: 21 rounds minimum for record + sighters
Match 1: One shot from a cold clean bore at a B-3 target from a distance between 100 and 200 yards. This is one shot match! This match is optional!
Match 2
  • Stage 1. Sitting rapid, fire, 2 strings - 4 rounds each, 30 seconds. Start in position, rifle loaded at 100 yards
  • Stage 2. Prone Rapid Fire, 2 strings - 4 rounds each, 30 seconds Start in position, rifle loaded at 200 yards
  • Stage 3. Shooter will be given 5 minutes to establish a position at an unknown distance from a B-3 target between 100 and 200 yards During the next 5 minutes the shooters will be selected at random and given a “Green Light” and 5 seconds to fire ONE shot. Repeat for a total of 4 shots.
Match fee: $6.00 covers both matches

Birds of Prey

25 clay birds along Hogan’s Alley. #8 shot must be used! (available on range)
Equipment: The police 12 gauge riot gun
Match fee: $6.00

Two Stage IDPA

Combat scenario for stock service pistols. Approximately 30 to 50 rounds required.
One stage will utilize IDPA targets and the second stage will use steel silhouettes.
Match fee: $6.00

Tactical Shotgun

This match will be run according to our Tactical Shotgun rules, with the exception that “tactical” buckshot will be allowed, but no birdshot. One stage, two strings. Bring a minimum of 20 rounds of buckshot, 5 slugs. This match will use pepper poppers and IDPA targets. Maximum range of 15 yards for buckshot, 25 yards for slugs.
Match fee: $6.00

Tactical Rifle

This match will also be run according to our Tactical Rifle Rules. It is strongly recommended that shooters take a look at these rules ahead of time. All rifle classes will be included (this doesn't include pistol caliber carbines). All shooting will be at 100 yards, at IDPA targets. Bring a minimum of 20 rounds. Magazine fed rifles should have at least two magazines. There will be two strings of fire. All shooting is on the clock, scored Limited Vickers (modified per our rules). Some reloads may also be on the clock.
NOTE: Shooters in Special Purpose Rifle and Bolt Action Sniper classes should know where your zeroes are at 25, 50 and 100 yards. Other classes should zeroed for 25 and 50 yards. As detailed on our website rules, bipods, etc. are allowed for some strings for SPR and Bolt Action Sniper classes.
Match fee: $6.00

OBIs will be available at the registration table.

Food and beverages will available during the day at the pavilion at a nominal cost.
The shooter shuttle will be operating to transport shooters from the parking and pavilion areas to the ranges.
Social hour after 1800 hours.
**Take advantage of the savings, enter both the Service/Police Pistol and Shotgun parts for only $6.00!**
Ammunition Sales
#8 shotgun ammunition will be available on the range. Rifle and pistol ammunition may be available for sale the day of the match for competitors. Check back for information closer to the match date.

Lodging & Accommodations
The Ashland, Ohio area has several hotels and motels several minutes from the Club grounds.
See our Local Info page.
There are also several camp sites in the area that have overnight camping.
We support the NRA

Complete Club Calendar

Click here for more info about ALGC including how to contact us
Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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