Ashland Lake Gun Club

Tactical Rifle Match

Saturday, October 19th, 2002, 10AM

Despite the truly awful weather in the early morning, this match went well with an excellent turn-out (17 shooters). This match was designed to test the shooter's ability to not only shoot accurately, but do it as quickly as possible. The shooter's score was determined by adding up his time to shoot each stage, then adding to this the "points-down" from each target. Perfect hits (centered in the head or "-0" zone of the body) added no time to the score. Less than perfect hits added 1 or 3 seconds (depending on the scoring ring), and 5 seconds for complete misses.

We hope to run more of these types of matches next year, working in more "urban tactical" type matches, involving closer ranges, faster shooting, and more movement. These types of matches will work a little better with the "real guns", and won't require bull-barreled, scope-sighted varmint-shooters to be at the top. See you next year!

Bolt Gun & Semi-Auto Divisions

Three Stages:
  • "Caught out in the open" - 50 yards, off hand. This stage will consist of starting off with the gun loaded, at port-arms, safety on. On the start signal, the shooter will engage IDPA targets off-hand, on the clock.
  • "Flop-Down and shoot" - 100 yards, prone position. Starting from standing, rifle at port-arms, safety on, the shooter will drop to prone position on the start signal and engage IDPA targets, on the clock.
  • "Long-Range Sniper" - 300 yards, prone position. Shooter will start off in prone position, scope on target, ready to shoot. In a random order, shooters on the line will be tapped be the SO and will engage IDPA targets. The point of this stage is to simulate a situation where a shooter must keep his sights on target for an indeterminate amount of time until the "shoot" signal is given.
Body shot and headshot requirements were mixed throughout the stages. Only 24 rounds total were required. A lot of fun for a small cost!

Allowable rifles: Any high-power rifle, .223 caliber or higher. At least a 4 round magazine capacity is preferred, but not required.

Allowable equipment: Shooting jackets, shooting mats, slings, bipods, monopods and sandbags. If you have a question about your equipment, e-mail Mike McGreer (SW625MAN@NEO.RR.COM).

NO SIGHTERS: Just like in the real world, there will be no sighters. Make sure you know where your rifle hits at 50, 100 and 300 yards.
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Click here for more info about ALGC including how to contact us
Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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