Ashland Lake Gun Club

BUG (Back Up Gun) Match 2006

Despite cold and overcast weather to start, for the few faithful that came out we had an excellent BUG match. The courses were short and close and there was very little waiting. By the end of the morning the sun came out and it was a beautiful day.


(We are working to update them with the gun that was used for better comparison purposes. Not everyone was using a BUG).
Place   Name   Firearm Match Score Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
BUG Match, Oct. 14, 2006
1 Haring, Nathan Glock 17* 39.86 9.51(0) 8.48(1) 17.79(11) 4.08(0)
2 Geisman, Fred Glock 27 40.16 11.39(2) 8.96(0) 14.88(0) 4.93(0)
3 Moson, John Glock 27 40 Cal. 40.34 10.58(2) 8.18(2) 16.00(8) 5.58(3)
4 Hill, Jan Glock 26 9mm 41.54 11.36(0) 9.64(0) 15.07(0) 5.47(0)
5 Wenger, Larry Custom 1911* 42.09 13.16(0) 9.68(0) 13.40(0) 5.85(1)
6 Boyd, John Glock 23 40 Cal.* 42.92 11.35(1) 10.39(4) 15.67(0) 5.51(1)
7 Cabage, Rod Glock 26 43.13 12.15(0) 11.11(1) 14.07(0) 5.80(0)
8 Flood, Thomas Ruger SP101 .357 43.49 12.96(1) 8.75(2) 15.81(4) 5.97(1)
9 Baker, Kyle (reentry) Karh P9 43.55 10.71(5) 11.28(11) 16.02(9) 5.54(3)
10 Baker, Kyle Kel Tec 3AT 49.89 13.73(6) 13.27(13) 16.95(5) 5.94(1)
11 Spencer, John S&W 3" 50.18 14.65(5) 10.21(0) 18.84(0) 6.48(0)
12 Kalister, Ed Star 9mm 3 3/4 BBL 50.98 19.95(0) 10.05(0) 15.33(0) 5.65(0)
13 Neuman, Kent Taurus 45 3" 52.51 13.17(0) 11.30(1) 19.29(4) 8.75(0)
14 Tolbert, Phil Glock 36 45ACP 52.57 14.77(2) 11.80(3) 20.11(0) 5.89(0)
15 Jwuc, Karl HK P2000 54.76 14.58(1) 11.58(1) 22.65(1) 5.95(0)
16 Lavalle, Tony Beretta 70 32 Cal. 55.58 13.22(4) 12.61(6) 24.38(19) 5.37(1)
17 McGreer, John S&W 60 .357 58.70 16.06(0) 12.62(0) 23.54(5) 6.48(0)
18 Boyd, Mark S&W 637-2 1 7/8" 63.09 13.42(3) 18.78(10) 24.80(13) 6.09(2)
19 Mangon, Larry S&W 60 Airwt. 64.42 16.26(1) 16.92(3) 24.14(0) 7.10(0)
20 Phillips, Fred Para-Ord Carry 12 65.10 18.09(4) 12.41(5) 27.70(12) 6.90(1)
21 Krieger, Jon (reentry) Glock 17* 70.20 17.05(2) 11.71(2) 22.20(3) 19.24(0)
22 Krieger, Jon Walther PPKS 380 70.47 20.70(9) 15.39(6) 24.06(7) 10.32(0)
23 Zurell, Jon Kahr PM9 83.03 27.92(1) 15.14(5) 31.19(17) 8.78(1)
24 McGreer, Barbara S&W 60 .357 83.10 24.99(3) 17.66(6) 29.78(4) 10.67(0)
25 Phillips, Fred (reentry) 38 Spl 2" 84.88 37.51(1) 18.27(2) 21.85(10) 7.25(1)
26 Long, David Kahr P9 101.07 22.56(0) 22.21(1) 43.58(3) 12.72(0)
27 Vic, Vic Kel Tec 9mm 104.50 17.50(6) 18.14(0) 55.87(0) 12.99(0)

* = Does not qualify as a BUG.

First time ever IDPA shooter Nathan, just back from duty in Iraq, had the high score of the day - not a using a BUG, but good shooting never the less.
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Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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