Ammo Chest
Newsletter for IDPA at Ashland Lake Gun Club
June 2012
- I have attached the ALGC range rules. Please read them and abide by them.
- We had a few shooters walking around with loaded weapons. THIS IS A MAJOR NO NO and will not be tolerated. If I see this or get wind of it, you will be disqualified from the match and asked to leave the property.
- Weapons are not to be removed from the holster unless instructed to do so by a SO or in one of the safe areas. This will also get you DQ’ed from the match and asked to leave the property. - Range rules are posted next to the registration line on a very large display; I suggest everyone read them thoroughly.
- IDPA is a sport, and ALGC is a private club. They both have rules and need to be followed. There is no compromising of this and consequences’ will follow.
March, 2012
SAFETY GLASSES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT SHOOTING. We are still getting people with there glasses on top of there head walking around. Ricochets can go over a mile; we are not a mile from people shooting. Purchase comfortable glasses so you keep them over your eyes, not on your head.
We had a record number of new shooters; we should then have a record turnout for the IDPA Clinic on April 28th. If you are new to the sport, THIS IS A MUST FOR ATTENDANCE. This will answer all your questions and set you straight for this sport. Plus it is a lot of fun and we have a real good time. It is not the fast pace like at the matches. Please pre register
on line.
The Blackhawk Serpa holster WILL NOT BE PERMITTED for use at ALGC IDPA events. This is a result of the many accidents related to this holster. Removal of the locking mechanism is not permitted; do to it being the only means of securing the weapon in the holster.
You will be asked to remove this holster and will not be permitted to compete with it. Sorry for the inconvenience!!!
October 2011
From the IDPA Rule Book:
- 7. Back Up Gun (BUG) This division is intended for club level matches ONLY and will not be recognized at the annual Championship or any Sanctioned Match. All CoF for the Back-Up Gun Division must be limited to five (5) rounds maximum per string (no reloads on the clock) to allow autos and revolver shooters to compete equally. Handguns permitted for use in this division must: A. Be single or double action. B. Be either pistol or revolver. C. Be .32 auto or larger. D. Have a barrel length: 1. Semi-automatic, 3.8” or less (factory installed cone style barrels with or without a barrel bushing are permitted). 2. Revolver 3” or less. E. Maximum (total) number of rounds that may be loaded into the handgun is five (5). - ALL
WEAPONS MUST HAVE A HOLSTER TO COMPETE, NO EXCEPTIONS - The pocket is not considered a holster - Please refer to page 26, section 7 of the IDPA rule book for more detailed rulings
September 2011
-People contacted me and wanted to know if we would have a rain date or cancel the match on the count of the weather. Bad guys do not take the day off on the count of the weather, and neither does ALGC. We always shoot, rain or shine! -The October match will be holding the “El Presidente Super Challenge”. This will be a side match and a money match. Division and classifications will be applied to keep it fair. Practice that El Pres and get your buddies to put their money where there mouth is. -November will host the BUG (back up gun) match. In the past, carrying the weapon in a pocket was allowed; this WILL NOT BE PERMITTED this year. You must have a holster of some sort to compete in this match. “NO EXCEPTIONS”
-The El Pres will take the place of the classifier at the October match, so there will be no classifier shot in October.
August 2011
-Hopefully starting next month (with enough staff), we can start to run the classifiers again. Range construction is completed and looks great. So, if you are not classified, bring and extra 100 rounds and get classified. One: This is an IDPA rule. Two: Your score will be posted with the others in your division and classification. Three: There are too many shooters unclassified. -Speaking of classification: If your scoresheet is not marked at the bottom with the division and classification you are in, it will be placed at the bottom of the results sheet. I do not know unless you inform me, and if you don’t, ASK!!!
-We are shooting live ammo, and sometimes at steel. This causes kickbacks that can possibly hit you. Safety glasses MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES, even if you are just spectateing. Several people where spoken to with there glasses on top of their head. If you invite folks to just to watch the match or you, they must have glasses on. This shooter was lucky he had glasses on, took one just above the glasses as you can see.
-If you really want to p off the SO’s, just sit there when everyone else is going down range to paste targets. Unless you have a physical handicap (and some do), on deck or in the hole, you should be down range pasting targets. This match I seen a lot of shooters not pasting targets,
especially young ones. If I continue to see you, shooter after shooter, just sit there; I will have no problem putting your scoresheet last in the pack. The quicker we paste, the quicker we shoot!!! -Starting the September 10th match, ALGC will not permit the use of the Blackhawk Serpa holster for IDPA. There are a lot of AD incidents that have occurred throughout the country affiliated with this holster. Other clubs likewise are now banning these holsters from IDPA use. Removing the lock mechanism will not be accepted for use. This mechanism is the only thing that secures the weapon in the holster. The IDPA rule: E. Must hold the firearm with enough tension to allow the wearer to complete normal daily tasks without fear of losing the weapon. I should be able turn the holster up side down with the weapon in it and it should not fall out.
-Practice your long range shooting!!
June 2011
-We are getting a lot of new shooters at the matches now, which is
great. But please take note that your weapons are to be unloaded at all
time unless shooting the stage, and ARE TO REMAIN IN THE HOLSTER unless
shooting the stage or in the safe areas. Violating this rule is a real
good way to get thrown off the range and make the SO’s very nervous.
Please keep the weapons in the holsters at all times unless instructed
by and SO.
-The reason we cannot start the matches before 9:00am
is do to a club rule of no shooting before 9:00am. This is a courtesy
to the surrounding neighbors and we
must adhere to this. Some of the ALGC club members
have a hard time telling time and need a refresher. Make note: NO