Ashland Lake Gun Club

2006 IDPA Clinic Agenda

The IDPA Staff would like to thank everyone who is here attending our annual clinic. We hope that everyone will benefit in some way from our instruction. Most of all we hope to have a fun day of shooting. Thank you: The IDPA Staff.
  1. Introduction and greetings.
  2. Why are you here?
  3. What is IDPA and why was it formed. (page 4 & 5)
  4. Safety rules (pages 6 & 7)
  5. Divisions: CDP, SSP, SSR, ESR, ESP (page 19 thru 27)
  6. Classes and Classification Match: Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, Novice (page 70)
  7. Equipment: Hearing protection, safety glasses, holsters, magazine pouches, speed loaders, cover garment, (page 29 thru 39)
  8. Drawing. (demonstrator)
  9. Reloads (demonstrator) (page 40 thru 42)
  10. Use of cover, 50% rule (page 43)
  11. Scoring (page 44)
  12. Safety briefing, range rules and range commands (page 12 rules, 11 range commands)
  13. Q&A
After our classroom time is completed, we will proceed to the range. If the weather is unpleasant, there will be a short movie to view while the staff assess the range conditions. Lunch will be served afterwards by the world-renowned chefs of "COMBAT CUISINE".

Once again, we hope everyone has a wonderful time. The IDPA Staff is a very social bunch and enjoys commentary and discussion. Please stay awhile and relax at the pavilion after the match.

Thank you.
Shoot straight,
The IDPA Staff
We support the NRA

Complete Club Calendar

Click here for more info about ALGC including how to contact us
Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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