2006 IDPA Clinic
Courses of Fire
80 rounds needed
Stage I Place 1 target per shooter at 7 yards.
String 1: Draw and fire 1 round at target center mass. Repeat 3 times.
String 2: Draw and fire 2 rounds at target center mass. Repeat 3 times.
String 3: Draw and fire 2 rounds at target, reload with retention and fire 2 rounds at target. Repeat 1 time.
String 4: Draw and fire 2 rounds at the body and 1 round at the head. Repeat 2 times.
String 5: Draw and fire 1 round at the target using strong hand only. Repeat increasing round count to 2.
String 6: With firearm in weak hand pointed downrange towards the ground at a 45? angle fire 1 round at target.
Repeat increasing round count to 2.
Stage II Shooting on the move. Arrange targets in 3 groups of 3 targets each. Yardage markers at 5 and 10 yards
for fault lines. 3 shooters on the line at a time but only shoot one shooter at a time.
String 1: From the 10 yard line shooter will draw and fire 2 rounds at each target while moving forward.
String 2: From the 5 yard line shooter will draw and fire 2 rounds at each target while retreating.
String 3: 6 rounds loaded. Facing targets shooter will draw and fire 2 rounds at each target, reload from
slide lock and fire 2 rounds at each target.
Stage III Same target arrangement, barricade at 20 yards and barrel 5 yards in front of barricade.
String 1: Shooter draws and fires 2 rounds at each target from right side of barricade, tactial reload, and fires 2
rounds at each target from left side of barricade.
String 2: Shooter draws and fires 2 rounds at each target from either side of barricade, tactical reload and then
advances quickly to barrel and fires 2 rounds at each target from either side of the barrel.