Ashland Lake Gun Club

September 18th 3 Gun Match

Bigger, better, more.  That pretty much sums up this years match, in our second year.  We were blessed with excellent weather and the scores show it.  Trying to come up with an overall winner is impossible, because of the mixed classes.  Instead, we are just publishing the stage results by class.  You can argue about who’s better over beers.


This year we had a negligent discharge.  Nobody was hurt, but expect to see incredibly tedious procedures for clearing your rifles at the end of each stage in the future.  You know what they say about one bad apple….

Score Summaries:

Fresh Bodies in the Najaf Graveyard (Rifles Only)
Details for this stage.
M, Dave TC 125.18
P, Nate TC 127.42
H, Jason TC 129.10
B, Gary TC 144.17
H, Frank TC 162.61
S, Doug TC 162.83
D, Brian TC 173.61
B, Joe TC 175.74
P, Fred TC 183.72
McL, Chris TC 195.66
N, Kent TC 198.14
K, Mike TC 238.61
McG, John TC 265.40
McG, Sean TC 312.60
D, Pat TC 366.80
E, Brian SBC 145.15
L, Tony SBC 187.11
J, Dave SBC 209.66
K, John SBC 219.11
P, Doug SBC 220.02
T, Phil SBC 244.40
E, Don SBC 287.40
McG, Mike SPR 123.79
B, Dean SPR 143.18
McQ, Mike SPR 238.12
T, Dave SBR 360.04

Sadr City Jam Session (Rifle / Handgun)
Details for this stage
M, Dave TC / CDP 53.39
H, Jason TC / CDP 57.59
B, Joe TC / SSP 57.59
P, Nate TC / ESP 58.63
S, Doug TC / SSP 64.19
D, Brian TC / CDP 67.21
H, Frank TC / ESP 68.42
McG, Sean TC / SSR 72.52
K, Mike TC / SSR 72.80
McL, Chris TC / SSP 75.44
B, Gary TC / SSR 75.48
N, Kent TC / SSP 87.99
P, Fred TC / SSP 88.83
McG, John TC / SSR 97.72
D, Pat TC / SSP 114.48
E, Brian SBC / SSP 61.40
L Tony SBC / SSP? 64.86
J, Dave SBC / ESP 83.34
P, Doug SBC / SSP 83.77
K, John SBC / SSP 86.51
T, Phil SBC / SSP 96.26
E, Don SBC / SSP? 101.86
McG, Mike SPR / CDP 52.69
McQ, Mike SPR / CDP 76.26
B, Dean SPR / SSR 89.71
T, Dave SBR / SSP 102.33

SOCOM Style Beheading (Shotgun Only)
Details for this stage
McG, Mike RG-P 37.76
B, Dean RG-P 44.47
L Tony RG-P 45.50
McG, Sean RG-P 47.52
N, Kent RG-P 55.68
D, Brian RG-P 60.08
T, Dave RG-P 62.38
McG, John RG-P 64.47
E, Don RG-P 66.82
H, Jason RG-P 73.47
M, Dave RG-P 73.75
B, Gary RG-P 74.38
D, Pat RG-P 83.03
S, Doug RG-P 98.11
McL, Chris RG-A 37.44
H, Frank RG-A 42.36
E, Brian RG-A 45.19
J, Dave RG-A 46.59
P, Doug RG-A 48.68
P, Fred RG-A 49.29
McQ, Mike RG-A 59.92
K, John RG-A 81.11
T, Phil ES-P 64.88
B, Gary ES-P 74.38
P, Nate ES-A 45.24
K, Mike ES-A 70.58

Bad Streets of Baghdad (Shotgun / Handgun)
Details for this stage
McG, Mike RG-P / CDP 37.69
M, Dave RG-P / CDP 43.61
B, Dean RG-P / SSP 55.74
S, Doug RG-P / SSP 55.84
H, Jason RG-P / CDP 57.70
L, Tony RG-P / SSP? 60.00
McG, John RG-P / SSR 61.74
D, Brian RG-P / CDP 63.36
N, Kent RG-P / SSP 63.36
B, Gary RG-P / SSP 68.63
McG, Sean RG-P / SSR 77.51
E, Don RG-P / SSP? 82.44
D, Pat RG-P / SSP 101.63
T, Dave RG-P / SSP 118.78
McL, Chris RG-A / SSP 46.56
McQ, Mike RG-A / CDP 46.65
J, Dave RG-A / ESP 47.25
E, Brian RG-A / SSP 47.81
M, John RG-A / SSP 52.61
H, Frank RG-A / ESP 57.36
P, Doug RG-A / SSP 59.27
P, Fred RG-A / SSP 70.73
K, John RG-A / SSP 83.23
T, Phil ES-P / SSP 95.46
K, Mike ES-A / SSP 46.51
P Nate ES-A / ESP 52.02

Monster Gun Battle (Handgun Only)
Details for this stage
B, Joe SSP 33.86
M, John SSP 42.70
B, Dwain SSP 42.81
McL, Chris SSP 45.83
P, Fred SSP 49.26
K, Mike SSP 50.41
S, Doug SSP 52.08
L, Paul SSP 53.21
K, John SSP 54.47
E, Brian SSP 55.21
T, Phil SSP 58.32
B, Dean SSP 58.88
T, Dave SSP 81.18
D, Patrick SSP 120.15
P, Nathan ESP 40.79
H, Frank ESP 45.04
L, Tony ESP 45.28
P, Doug ESP 51.02
J, Dan ESP 58.38
E, Don ESP 74.01
H, Jason CDP 51.04
McQ, Mike CDP 51.91
B, Gary CDP 52.04
M, Dave CDP 58.30
D, Dan CDP 62.13
N, Kent CDP 73.81

Fresh Bodies Details (return to Summary)
M, Dave TC 30 0 0 0 95.18 125.18
P, Nate TC 14 0 0 0 113.42 127.42
H, Jason TC 26 1 0 0 98.10 129.10
B, Gary TC 10 1 0 0 129.17 144.17
H, Frank TC 49 3 0 0 98.61 162.61
S, Doug TC 10 0 0 0 152.83 162.83
D, Brian TC 21 2 0 0 142.61 173.61
B, Joe TC 31 1 0 0 139.74 175.74
P, Fred TC 33 1 0 0 145.72 183.72
McL, Chris TC 60 2 0 0 125.66 195.66
N, Kent TC 21 1 0 0 172.14 198.14
K, Mike TC 50 8 0 0 148.61 238.61
McG, John TC 38 2 1 0 207.40 265.40
McG, Sean TC 51 25 0 0 136.60 312.60
D, Pat TC 92 14 0 0 204.80 366.80
E, Brian SBC 30 3 0 0 100.15 145.15
L, Tony SBC 38 5 0 0 124.11 187.11
J, Dave SBC 30 2 0 0 169.66 209.66
K, John SBC 27 1 0 0 187.11 219.11
P, Doug SBC 51 3 1 0 144.02 220.02
T, Phil SBC 29 3 0 0 200.40 244.40
E, Don SBC 41 6 0 0 216.40 287.40
McG, Mike SPR 23 0 0 0 100.79 123.79
B, Dean SPR 14 0 1 0 119.18 143.18
McQ, Mike SPR 58 3 1 0 155.12 238.12
T, Dave SBR 35 4 0 0 305.04 360.04

Sadar City Details (Return to Summary)
M, Dave TC / CDP 4 8 0 0 24.48 20.91 53.39
H, Jason TC / CDP 10 20 1 0 17.01 15.58 57.59
B, Joe TC / SSP 2 3 0 0 29.82 24.27 57.59
P, Nate TC / ESP 7 1 0 0 28.88 22.25 58.63
S, Doug TC / SSP 5 0 0 0 32.16 27.03 64.19
D, Brian TC / CDP 10 4 0 0 31.19 24.02 67.21
H, Frank TC / ESP 14 6 1 0 25.15 21.27 68.42
McG, Sean TC / SSR 13 16 0 0 32.01 19.51 72.52
K, Mike TC / SSR 12 2 1 0 32.84 21.96 72.80
McL, Chris TC / SSP 22 4 2 0 25.77 15.67 75.44
B, Gary TC / SSR 4 17 1 0 28.36 29.62 75.48
N, Kent TC / SSP 2 1 0 0 53.8 31.69 87.99
P, Fred TC / SSP 9 14 0 0 34.93 37.9 88.83
McG, John TC / SSR 7 6 0 0 56.21 31.51 97.72
D, Pat TC / SSP 9 19 3 0 56.39 24.59 114.48
McG, Mike SPR / CDP 6 1 0 0 23.49 22.70 52.69
McQ, Mike SPR / CDP 7 8 0 0 39.83 25.43 76.26
B, Dean SPR / SSR 13 11 1 1 45.75 17.46 89.71
E, Brian SBC / SSP 5 9 0 0 27.59 24.31 61.40
L, Tony SBC / SSP? 2 2 0 0 33.38 28.48 64.86
J, Dave SBC / ESP 4 1 0 0 59.58 19.26 83.34
P, Doug SBC / SSP? 6 8 0 0 48.74 25.03 83.77
K, John SBC / SSP 22 8 1 0 36.98 18.53 86.51
T, Phil SBC / SSP 3 4 0 0 67.34 23.92 96.26
E, Don SBC / SSP? 9 11 1 0 57.76 24.6 101.86
T, Dave SBR / SSP 7 12 0 0 64.16 25.17 102.33

SOCOM Beheading Details (Return To Summary)
McG, Mike RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 37.76 37.76
B, Dean RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 44.47 44.47
L, Tony RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 45.50 45.50
McG, Sean RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 47.52 47.52
N, Kent RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 55.68 55.68
D, Brian RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 60.08 60.08
T, Dave RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 62.38 62.38
McG, John RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 64.47 64.47
E, Don RG-P 0 0 0 0 0 66.82 66.82
H, Jason RG-P 0 0 0 2 0 53.47 73.47
M, Dave RG-P 0 5 1 1 0 53.75 73.75
B, Gary RG-P 0 5 1 0 0 64.38 74.38
D, Pat RG-P 0 5 1 0 0 73.03 83.03
S, Doug RG-P 0 5 1 0 0 88.11 98.11
McLaren, Chris RG-A 0 1 0 0 0 36.44 37.44
Holtzhauer, Frank RG-A 0 0 0 0 0 42.36 42.36
Evans, Brian RG-A 0 0 0 0 0 45.19 45.19
Jankowski, Dave RG-A 0 0 0 0 0 46.59 46.59
Parrack, Doug RG-A 0 1 0 0 0 47.68 48.68
Phillips, Fred RG-A 0 0 0 0 0 49.29 49.29
McQuate, Mike RG-A 0 0 0 0 0 59.92 59.92
Kimball, John RG-A 0 5 1 0 0 71.11 81.11
Tolbert, Phil ES-P 0 3 0 0 0 61.88 64.88
Briggs, Gary ES-P 0 5 1 0 0 64.38 74.38
Phillips, Nate ES-A 0 0 0 0 0 45.24 45.24
Knaupe, Mike ES-A 0 7 1 0 0 58.58 70.58

Bad Streets Details (Return to Summary)
McG, Mike RG-P / CDP 0 0 0 0 12.36 25.33 37.69
M, Dave RG-P / CDP 1 0 0 0 16.88 26.23 43.61
B, Dean RG-P / SSP 2 0 0 0 19.76 34.98 55.74
S, Doug RG-P / SSP 0 0 0 0 20.85 34.99 55.84
H, Jason RG-P / CDP 5 0 0 0 19.71 35.49 57.70
L, Tony RG-P / SSP? 5 0 0 0 21.90 35.60 60.00
McG, John RG-P / SSR 0 0 0 0 20.44 41.30 61.74
D, Brian RG-P / CDP 0 0 0 0 22.16 41.20 63.36
N, Kent RG-P / SSP 0 0 0 0 24.53 38.83 63.36
B, Gary RG-P / SSP 4 0 0 0 17.23 49.40 68.63
McG, Sean RG-P / SSR 4 0 0 0 30.94 44.57 77.51
E, Don RG-P / SSP? 4 0 0 0 22.23 58.21 82.44
D, Pat RG-P / SSP 2 0 0 0 40.06 60.57 101.63
T, Dave RG-P / SSP 1 0 0 0 40.66 77.62 118.78
McL, Chris RG-A / SSP 7 0 0 1 15.63 24.43 46.56
McQ, Mike RG-A / CDP 3 0 0 0 15.20 29.95 46.65
J, Dave RG-A / ESP 0 0 0 0 15.62 31.63 47.25
E, Brian RG-A / SSP 1 0 0 0 14.64 32.67 47.81
M, John RG-A / SSP 0 0 0 0 21.88 30.73 52.61
H, Frank RG-A / ESP 3 0 0 0 23.31 32.55 57.36
P, Doug RG-A / SSP 0 0 0 0 24.44 34.83 59.27
P, Fred RG-A / SSP 4 0 0 0 17.04 51.69 70.73
K, John RG-A / SSP 4 0 0 0 20.02 61.21 83.23
T, Phil ES-P / SSP 2 0 0 0 50.20 44.26 95.46
K, Mike ES-A / SSP 1 0 0 0 16.63 29.38 46.51
P, Nate ES-A / ESP 3 0 0 0 12.11 38.41 52.02

Monster Handgun details (Return to Summary)
B, Joe SSP 9 0 0 29.36 33.86
M, John SSP 9 0 0 38.20 42.70
B, Dwain SSP 0 0 0 42.81 42.81
M, Chris SSP 11 0 1 37.33 45.83
P, Fred SSP 4 0 0 47.26 49.26
K, Mike SSP 10 1 0 40.41 50.41
S, Doug SSP 10 0 0 47.08 52.08
L, Paul SSP 28 0 0 39.21 53.21
K, John SSP 19 0 0 44.97 54.47
E, Brian SSP 22 0 0 44.21 55.21
T, Phil SSP 15 1 0 45.82 58.32
B, Dean SSP 13 0 0 52.38 58.88
T, Dave SSP 14 0 1 71.18 81.18
D, Patrick SSP 19 0 0 110.65 120.15
P, Nathan ESP 6 0 0 37.79 40.79
H, Frank ESP 5 0 0 42.54 45.04
L, Tony ESP 4 0 0 43.28 45.28
P, Doug ESP 12 0 1 42.02 51.02
J, Dan ESP 11 0 0 52.88 58.38
E, Don ESP 18 0 0 65.01 74.01
H, Jason CDP 13 0 0 44.54 51.04
McQ, Mike CDP 17 0 0 43.41 51.91
B, Gary CDP 7 0 0 48.54 52.04
M, Dave CDP 11 0 1 49.85 58.30
D, Dan CDP 15 0 0 54.63 62.13
N, Kent CDP 14 1 0 61.81 73.81

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Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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