Ashland Lake Gun Club

Tactical Rifle Match

June 4th, 2005

This year's Long Range Tactical Rifle match offered new challenges for the 12 shooters who baked in the hot sun all day. Although wind conditions were favorable, the heat and mirage played havoc on this determined group of marksmen.

Stage One featured a "re-creation" of a famous shot that Carlos Hathcock made. Shooters had to low crawl 25 yards into position, while carrying all of their gear. They then got into a firing position and had to then WAIT around 5 minutes after assuming a firing position, until a 'beep', without warning, gave them the "go" signal to take a shot on a Dreaded Headshot Target. What made this stage difficult is maintaining concentration for long period of time, keeping your sights on the target, and your pressure on the trigger. Shooters that were ready were making this shot in less than half a second, popping an 8 inch balloon at 300 yards. A difficult task when the sweat is running into your eyes, the target is dancing in the mirage, and your trigger-finger is getting itchy.

Stage Two was a sniper scenario which also used the Dreaded Headshot Targets at 300 yards, requiring shooters to follow long and confusing "radio instructions" from a superior officer, before making a shot.

Stage Three was by far the most challenging, requiring shooters to hit EGGS at 100 yards. Those are very hard to hit, if you aren't perfectly dialed in.

Stage Four was an Urban Sniper scenario that offered small targets, at relatively close range, with the danger of hitting "hostage" targets.

Sean McGreer took top honors in the SPR division. All of that small-bore shooting 20 years ago paid off, because this was the first time he pulled the trigger on a rifle this year. Paul LeMassena, with his totally dialed-in M700, completely walked away from all of the other turn-bolt shooters.


McGreer, Sean SPR 0.36 8.92 14.29 17.33 40.9
McGreer, Mike SPR 0.28 14.4 19.38 10.56 44.62
Phillips, Nathan SPR 0.91 8.7 37.65 27.04 74.3
McJunkins, Mark SPR 6.03 32.54 14.47 29.55 82.59
McGreer, John SPR 4.02 8.29 60.79 31.42 104.52
Smith, Stony SPR 1.02 30.35 64.39 32.75 128.51
Henthorne, Jason SPR 20.14 93.44 58.01 15.64 187.23
LeMassena, Paul BAS 0.87 18.72 29.55 27.81 76.95
Thompson, Steve BAS 1.97 12.21 74.27 40.42 128.87
Waldren, Norman BAS 19.65 2.41 95.24 29.06 146.36
Phillips, Fred BAS 39.98 6.38 192.99 52.43 291.78
Krieger, Jon BAS 5.75 53.33 233.15 39.39 331.62

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Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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