Ashland Lake Gun Club

3 Gun Match, October 13, 2007

Saturday was the final match of the Tactical 2007 season, and yes, we went out with a bang!

The weather was perfect for shooting, and the air rang with the sound of pistol, rifle, and scatterguns. Four stages provided a cornucopia of shooting. The Shotgun Only “Apu – IV, Squishi Mart Finale of Doom” designed and run by Mike McGreer provided furious slug and buckshot action. John Moson Designed and ran the enormous pistol to shotgun stage which spilled over two pistol bays and had tunnels, barricades, cars, and a moving target. Jason Henthorne designed the two rifle stages, one a CQB rifle to pistol stage firing from a variety of positions on targets – some clothed. In the second rifle stage a shooter fires over and around a vehicle, drags Sgt. Woody to safety, and ends up the match firing an AK-47 dropped by his adversaries.

Some participating said this was the best Three Gun they had ever attended, and it could not have been done without the help of Fred Phillips, Tony LaValle, John Moson, Phil Tolbert, Mike McGreer, Sean McGreer, and Doug Saris. These gentlemen worked hard to create great stages for the three gun, and for previous matches this year. Because of them, it was a great finish to the season.

Mike McGreer punished the courses and collected the overall winning time, Jason Henthorne plagued by mechanical problems and inability to follow simple directions came in second, and John Moson rounded out the top three shooters.

Videos from the match:

Shotgun Only
Handgun & Shotgun


Competitor Class Apu Take Five Moson's Mayhem CQB Convoy

Points Down Time Total Points Down Time Total

Points Down

Time Total

Points Down

Time Total Match Total Ranking
David Marcelli RGP-Tac Car-CDP 26 82.32 108.32 18 113.45 131.45 33 53.99 86.99 119 181.74 300.74 627.5
Jason "Crazy Legs" Henthorne RGP-Tac Car-CDP 38 99.27 137.27 4 133.55 137.55 27 59.72 86.72 22 106.74 128.74 490.28 2
"Evil" Doug Saris RGA-Tac Car-CDP 5 139.13 144.13 7 108.23 115.23 21 76.97 97.97 72 199.45 271.45 628.78
Sean "Of the Clan" McGreer RGP-Tac Car-CDP 1 91.64 92.64 27 145.35 172.35 23 62.2 85.2 40 165.5 205.5 555.69 4
Mike "Hoss" McGreer RGP-SPR-CDP 2 78 80 1 128.68 129.68 11 49.6 60.6 39 131.75 170.75 441.03 1
Roy Mitchell RGA-SPR-? 20 88.34 108.34 9 164.6 173.6 8 83.17 91.17 36 181.33 217.33 590.44 5
John Moson RGA-Tac Car-CDP 0 107.35 107.35 5 127.41 132.41 6 69.54 75.54 43 173.87 216.87 532.17 3
Phil Tolbert RGP-B R SP 12 185.17 197.17 9 163.75 172.75 22 84.68 106.68 73 135.88 208.88 685.48
Fred "The Rock" Phillips RGA-Tac Car-CDP 7 109.13 116.13 5 177.41 182.41 11 105.34 116.34 39 204.8 243.8 658.68
Ray Taylor RGP-?-? 12 154.09 166.09 32 240.8 272.8 20 85.91 105.91 59 146.74 205.74 750.54
Fred Fuscoe RGP-SPR-? 33 196.69 229.69 20 286.8 306.8 41 92.59 133.59 174 217.6 391.6 1061.68
Dave Trump RGP-B R SP 25 171.4 196.4 53 215.3 268.3 15 84.16 99.16 152 185.79 337.79 901.65

Kent Newman RGP-?-? 6 188.12 194.12 42 48.68 DNF 9 94.08 103.08 72 188.11 260.11

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Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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