Tactical Shotgun Match
May 28, 2011Saturday’s Tactical Shotgun Match went very smooth. First I would like to thank everyone for coming out and making all the effort we put into these matches worth it. We had a total of 25 shooters including myself and Roy which is a record for the 1st shotgun match of the year. We had a lot of compliments on the course design and hope to continue making each match better than the last. Looking forward to the next match which is Tactical Rifle, hope to see everyone there. Stay tuned to current T.R.S. events by checking ALGC’s website. Nathan Wilson Director Roy Mitchell Co-Director
Shot to Slugs
Stage Total
Slugs toShot
Stage Total
75 yrd Shot Exp
Stage Total
Match Total
Mike McGreer |
Pump |
11.77 |
0 |
19.78 |
1 |
20.78 |
95.41 |
2 |
97.41 |
1st place Pump |
Nathan Wilson |
Pump |
18.41 |
0 |
18.41 |
20.96 |
1 |
21.96 |
87.95 |
2 |
130.32 |
Roy Mitchell |
Pump |
19.71 |
0 |
19.71 |
25.38 |
0 |
25.38 |
105.98 |
2 |
107.98 |
153.07 |
Mark Weston |
Pump |
22.62 |
1 |
23.62 |
21.44 |
1 |
22.44 |
106.20 |
6 |
112.20 |
158.26 |
Danny Tan |
Pump |
16.61 |
1 |
17.61 |
26.22 |
1 |
27.22 |
118.21 |
3 |
121.21 |
166.04 |
Chris Warstler |
Pump |
14.71 |
1 |
15.71 |
19.96 |
1 |
20.96 |
121.11 |
15 |
136.11 |
172.78 |
Wayne Hinkle |
Pump |
18.20 |
2 |
20.20 |
28.60 |
0 |
28.60 |
123.68 |
6 |
129.68 |
178.48 |
Jeff Gerhart |
Pump |
20.87 |
2 |
22.87 |
30.22 |
0 |
30.22 |
141.56 |
4 |
145.56 |
198.65 |
Dave Clute |
Pump |
22.11 |
4 |
26.11 |
34.49 |
2 |
36.49 |
142.73 |
4 |
146.73 |
209.33 |
Kent Newman |
Pump |
37.65 |
1 |
38.65 |
32.90 |
2 |
34.90 |
136.55 |
4 |
140.55 |
214.10 |
Rick Schweinberg |
Pump |
21.36 |
0 |
21.36 |
34.31 |
3 |
37.31 |
176.02 |
4 |
180.02 |
238.69 |
Jason Booth |
Pump |
30.16 |
13 |
43.16 |
39.54 |
1 |
40.54 |
151.08 |
9 |
160.08 |
243.78 |
Fred Fuscoe |
Pump |
30.62 |
1 |
31.62 |
33.49 |
2 |
35.49 |
177.56 |
11 |
188.56 |
255.67 |
Clint Newman |
Pump |
50.15 |
1 |
51.15 |
53.52 |
0 |
53.52 |
156.91 |
14 |
170.91 |
275.58 |
Ryan McGreer |
Pump |
25.40 |
4 |
29.40 |
33.49 |
3 |
36.49 |
196.14 |
14 |
210.14 |
276.03 |
valerie Booth |
Pump |
43.83 |
4 |
47.83 |
51.24 |
4 |
55.24 |
179.86 |
7 |
186.86 |
289.93 |
Niel Schweinberg |
Pump |
29.77 |
2 |
31.77 |
40.17 |
2 |
42.17 |
233.20 |
4 |
237.20 |
311.14 |
Rita Fuscoe |
Pump |
68.68 |
2 |
70.68 |
62.31 |
4 |
66.31 |
284.70 |
21 |
305.70 |
442.69 |
Han Sim |
Auto |
17.32 |
0 |
17.32 |
23.69 |
0 |
23.69 |
91.95 |
5 |
96.95 |
1st place Auto |
Ron Dodge |
Auto |
24.57 |
0 |
24.57 |
28.73 |
0 |
28.73 |
99.40 |
2 |
101.40 |
154.70 |
Fred Phillips |
Auto |
21.45 |
1 |
22.45 |
27.99 |
0 |
27.99 |
117.73 |
1 |
118.73 |
169.17 |
Tom Kohl |
Auto |
22.63 |
4 |
26.63 |
27.99 |
1 |
28.99 |
139.21 |
6 |
145.21 |
200.83 |
Nathan Gobels |
Enhanced |
11.79 |
2 |
13.79 |
19.86 |
0 |
89.46 |
8 |
97.46 |
1st place Enhanced |
Tim McGowan |
Enhanced |
17.02 |
2 |
19.02 |
23.14 |
3 |
26.14 |
96.97 |
21 |
117.97 |
163.13 |
Dave Tryon |
Enhanced |
49.30 |
1 |
50.30 |
34.96 |
1 |
35.96 |
139.00 |
2 |
141.00 |
227.26 |