Ashland Lake Gun Club


April 9th, 2011

Welcome to this year’s newly combined Rifle and Shotgun Long Gun Clinic. The TRS Clinic is going to cater to new shooters or shooters who need to reinforce/learn the basics, followed by a separate intermediate/advanced rifle clinic and shotgun clinic. We think that giving new shooters “one on one” time will better prepare shooters, while also making them safer. Combining clinics will also free up an extra day allowing us to have another match. The TRS program will now have two rifle matches and two shotgun matches, outside of the Francis Marion. The times are listed below for each clinic. Please understand that we plan on doing a lot of shooting during each clinic, but you are not required to shoot all the stages. You could also shoot a stage multiple times, as long as it’s not holding us up, so please don’t feel as though you have to shoot everything. We understand not everybody has hundreds of rounds, just lying around, to shoot. The Clinics will be on the 100 yard range and long pistol bays.
9:00 A.M. ~12:00Basic Clinic Rookies (people who haven’t shot in the TRS program), or people who want a basic refresher. Please email if you would like to attend, or have any questions concerning the Basic Clinic.

12:00~2:00 P.M. Rifle Clinic Rookie grads, if they wish, plus all other shooters.

2:00~4:00 P.M. Shotgun Clinic Rookie grads, if they wish, plus all other shooters.

  • $5.00 basic clinic (non- members add an addition $5.00 for the day)
  • $10.00 rifle clinic
  • $10.00 shotgun clinic

EQUIPMENT: shotgun and/or rifle with sling, pistol w/IDPA approved holster, and a minimum of two magazines for rifle and one magazine for pistol. Basic clinic- you only need to bring one long gun, but you can bring both if you have them. If you don’t have everything, don’t worry about it, we’ll make due.

EYE AND EAR PROTECTION: mandatory while on range

AMMO: Get the lead out people, lots of potential shooting! Bring extra you might use it.
Basic clinic-low round count, 20-40 rifle, 5 slugs, box of 25 #6 or larger shot, do not bring #7.5, #8, or #9’s, 10 rounds pistol

Rifle- 100+ rounds (remember you can shoot less or more it’s up to you!)
Shotgun-100+ rounds #6 or larger shot, 7+ rounds slug (same applies)
Pistol-16+ rounds (8 rounds per each clinic)min
Nathan Wilson Contact me if you have any questions.
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Click here for more info about ALGC including how to contact us
Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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