Ashland Lake Gun Club


Stock Iron: (Non-modified as-issued weapon)

RIFLE –5.45 x 39 mm ( .223 Etc. ) or larger rifle caliber, with iron sights only. No Modifications or additional parts from stock or as issued condition – Triggers/Action smoothing with no additional parts OK. (Use SSP Div as Guide for Mods)

SHOTGUN - Pump or semi-auto, 12 or 20 gauge, with iron sights only. 21" max barrel. 6 +1 capacity. Tactical buckshot, full power 20 ga buckshot or equivalent allowed. No Modifications or additional parts from stock or as issued condition – Triggers/Action smoothing with no additional parts OK. (Use SSP Div as Guide for Mods)

PISTOL- Any IDPA SSP, CDP or SSR Pistol using IDPA legal capacity. No Modifications or additional parts from stock or as issued condition – Triggers/Action smoothing with no additional parts OK. Standard IDPA rules apply for .45’s that can be classified as either SSP or CDP

Tactical Enhanced: (Modified Weapon)

RIFLE - 5.45 x 39 mm ( .223 Etc. ) or larger rifle caliber, with any type optic except visible laser, heavy barrel, trigger & action work with new parts, Etc. OK.

SHOTGUN - Pump or semi-auto, 12 or 20 gauge, with optional optical sights. 28" max barrel. 8 + 1 capacity. Tactical buckshot, full power 20 ga buckshot or equivalent allowed. Ports, compensators, Speedloaders Etc. OK.

PISTOL- Any IDPA Legal Pistol or Revolver using IDPA legal capacity. If you have a high-cap .45, you can shoot it as an ESP if desired (load to 10 rounds).

Heavy Gun: (Large Caliber - Slight Modifications)

RIFLE – 7.62 x 51 mm ( .308 ) or larger rifle caliber, with any single non-magnified optic. Magnified pushed to Tactical Enhanced.

SHOTGUN- Pump or semi-auto, 12 or 10 gauge only, with optional non-magnified sights. 28" max barrel. 8 + 1 capacity. Full power 12 ga buckshot only (or equivalent). No Ports, Speedloaders, Etc. Power Floor of 640,000 (~9 Pellet 00 Buck 1325 Fps 1.11oz.)

PISTOL- CDP or ESR using IDPA legal capacity –Must be .45 ACP Minimum or Larger Caliber (.44 Spl/Mag-.357 Mag etc. OK)

ALL SHOTGUNS ALL CLASSES: Minimum shot size #6 pellets, NO STEEL
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Click here for more info about ALGC including how to contact us
Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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