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Table of Contents




Competition Rules

Equipment Rules

General Course of Fire Rules

Course of Fire Rules for Rifles

Course of Fire Rules for Shotguns



A. Firearms

B. Divisions

C. Holsters

D. Ammunition

Appendix Two: Approved TR&S Reloads

Appendix Three: Cover

Appendix Four: Scoring

Appendix five: Transitions

Appendix Six: Glossary



TR&S (Tactical Rifle & Shotgun) Tactical/ to mean decisions and skills using rifle and shotgun

TR&S allow civilians, law enforcement, and military to use their systems in simulated “real world” scenarios

TR&S pushing equipment and personnel to expose weaknesses in their systems

TR&S balance the use between rifle and shotgun while incorporating transition skills to secondary side-arm

TR&S utilizing equipment to further understand its limitations and strengths



I. Promote safe and proficient use of guns and equipment.

II. Provide separate divisions for equipment and classifications for shooters, such that

guns with similar characteristics are grouped together and people with similar skills

compete against each other.

III. Provide shooters with largely practical and realistic courses of fire that simulate potentially life-threatening encounters, or that tests skills required to survive life-threatening encounters.

IV. Offer a practical shooting sport responsive to the shooters, with stability of

equipment rules.

V. Offer a practical shooting sport that allows competitors to concentrate on developing

skills and fellowship with like-minded shooters.



The Four Universal Laws of Gun Safety are:

The gun is always loaded.

Never point a gun at something you are not prepared to destroy.

Always be sure of your target and what is behind it.

Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.


Safety Rules

TR&S-S 1. Unsafe gun handling will result in immediate disqualification from the entire


Examples (but not limited to):

A. Endangering any person, including yourself.

B. Pointing muzzle beyond designated “Muzzle Safe Points”. In the absence of defined “Muzzle Safe Points”, the 180° rule does exist

and will be grounds for DQ.

C. Handling a loaded firearm except while on the firing line. Unloaded firearms may be

handled only in designated “safe areas”.

Note: There are only three instances in which the gun may be removed from the holster or in the

case of a long gun, be removed from a slung position. (Guns can be transitioned from a cart or

rack to the slung position, or the reverse, without an SO present provided that muzzle discipline

is observed)

1. While engaging targets in a CoF under the supervision of a safety officer.

2. With verbal instruction from an SO.

3. When in a designated “safe area”.

D. Dropping a loaded firearm. If a contestant drops a loaded firearm during a stage or string

of fire, the SO will immediately yell “STOP”. It will then be the task of the SO to pick

up/recover the dropped firearm and render it safe and unloaded before returning it to the

contestant. The contestant will be disqualified from the entire event as well as any side

events occurring with the match.

E. Dangerous or repeated “finger in trigger guard” violations during loading, unloading,

reloading, drawing, holstering, remedial action.

F. A premature shot: in the holster; striking behind (up range of) the firing line; into the

ground downrange closer to the firing line than two yards; or over a berm.

G. Sweeping competitors or Safety Officers while uncasing a long gun on the firing line.

H. Handling ammunition in the safe area. This includes handling a shotgun at the safety area

with ammunition left on a butt cuff or side saddle or a rifle with extra ammunition attached to


I. Carrying around a Rifle or Shotgun with the action closed. If the competitor’s firearm does

not lock the action open on its own, it is the competitor’s responsibility to provide and use a

chamber flag.

J. Sweeping a competitor or a Safety Officer with a slung or shouldered long arm.

K. Observing improper muzzle discipline of a slung or shouldered long arm

L. Sweeping anyone with a loaded firearm

TR&S- S 2. Dropping an unloaded firearm may incur penalties at the discretion of the SO

and/or MD.

TR&S- S 3. Firearms will be loaded only when directed by a safety officer. (See note at end

of Safety Rules regarding Hot and Cold ranges.)

TR&S- S 4. Shock resistant eye protection and ear protection are required to be used by

ANYONE at the range facility.

TR&S- S 5. After completing any CoF, the shooter must unload, show clear, re-holster and

safe his long guns before turning up-range or leaving the firing line. (See note at end of

Safety Rules regarding Hot and Cold ranges.) If multiple firearms are used within a stage,

 the Safety Officer will begin by instructing the shooter to unload the last firearm used, and

then the shooter will go back through the stage, unloading and clearing the guns that were

set aside until they are all clear and safe.

TR&S- S 6. Firearms used in competition will be serviceable and safe. The MD will require

a competitor to withdraw any firearm observed to be unserviceable or unsafe. In the event

that a firearm cannot be loaded or unloaded due to a broken or failed mechanism, the

shooter must notify the SO, who will take such action he thinks safest. No full automatic

fire is to be permitted in TR&S.

TR&S- S 7. Fingers must be outside the trigger guard during loading, unloading, drawing,

re-holstering, transitioning, while moving (unless engaging targets) or during remedial


A. Failure to comply will result in a three (3) second procedural error penalty.

B. Multiple violations of this rule could result in additional penalties or disqualification from the

entire match at the discretion of the MD.

TR&S- S 8. The normal condition of pistols not actually engaged is holstered and unloaded,

with hammer down and magazine removed

TR&S- S 9. The normal condition of Rifles and Shotguns not actually engaged is unloaded

with the chamber open. TR&S strongly recommends the use of chamber flags by all

competitors. Rifles and Shotguns are to be carried and stored between stages in one of the

following ways.

Slung with muzzle up or straight down, not on an angle

Carried shouldered, with muzzle up or straight down, not on an angle

In a soft or hard case, with muzzle up. (Take care when removing gun)

In a rifle rack

In a shooting cart. (Note: shooting carts that store guns with the muzzle up must

be parked so the muzzles will be directed away from competitors and onlookers)

TR&S- S 10. All CoF will be started with the pistol holstered and safe, hands clear of

equipment as directed by the SO unless other positions for the pistol are stipulated (table

top, drawer, pack, purse, or in the firing hand).

TR&S- S 11. All Long Gun CoF will be started with the Long Gun shouldered in the “Low

Ready” position, in either Cruiser Ready or Patrol Ready, unless other positions for the

Long Gun are stipulated (car trunk, rack, or on the ground)

TR&S- S 12. Loaded firearms may only be handled in the safe area when supervised by the

MD or a SO. Magazines and speedloaders may be reloaded while off the firing line, but the

contestant’s firearm may be loaded or unloaded only under the direction of the SO. (See

note at end of Safety Rules regarding Hot and Cold ranges.) Rifles and Shotguns handled

in the Safe Area MUST have all spare ammunition removed. (This includes rifle magazine

in stock pouches, shotgun shells in butt cuff or sidesaddle, etc) *exception if firearm is racked and has a visible ECI then rounds in sidesaddle, butt cuff are ok

TR&S- S 13. Where the range has facilities to permit this, the “on deck” shooter can be

taken to a staging area in order to load and make ready his firearms for stage. The shooter

must be supervised by a Safety Officer at all times and the staging area must be safe and

not endanger any shooters.


NOTE ALGC utilizes a cold range. A cold range is defined as a range where

all shooters must be unloaded unless under the supervision of a SO.

Competition Rules

TR&S- C 1. Competitors will not attempt to circumvent or compromise the spirit or

rationale of any stage either by the use of inappropriate devices, equipment or techniques.

This is the Failure To Do Right rule.

TR&S- C 2. Competitors will refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct, unfair actions, or the

use of illegal equipment

TR&S- C 3. There are only five (5) TR&S approved reloads and they normally begin and

end behind cover (reload specifications are found in Appendix TWO Approved TR&S


A. Tactical Reload.

B. Reload with Retention.

C. Slide Lock Reload (Emergency Reload).

D. Ready Position Reload (Shotgun)

E. Transition Reload (Shotgun, buckshot to slugs, or slugs to buckshot)


All reloads begin with the shooter’s first action to initiate the reload (ejection of the

magazine, drawing a spare magazine, extracting a shot shell, etc.) and end when the

weapon is fully charged and ready to fire (magazine fully locked into the weapon and the

slide fully forward or cylinder closed). Reloads can only be initiated while behind cover/concealment, unless not available.  Cover is considered “available” if it is within five yards of the shooter.

TR&S- C 4. Individual rehearsals of a CoF are not permitted.

TR&S- C 5. Airgunning and/or sight pictures are not permitted. (See glossary for


TR&S- C 6. Competitors will use all available cover.

TR&S- C 7. The competitor’s physical position may not be changed before the firing signal

once the shooter’s ready position is assumed and the “Stand-By” command has been given,

unless specified by the CoF.

TR&S- C 8. There will be no shots fired before the firing signal.

TR&S- C 9. Ties shall be broken in a manner decided upon by the match director

conducting the contest; however, this shall always be done by shooting, not by chance.

TR&S- C 10. It shall be the responsibility of each shooter to keep account of his score along

with the scorekeeper.

TR&S- C 11. No shooter can re-shoot a stage or string for gun or “mental” malfunctions

except when shooting the “Classifier” match for classification purposes. If the classifier is

part of a scored match, no re-shoots are permitted. Re-shoots are allowed for stage

equipment malfunctions or SO interference with the shooter.

TR&S- C 12. In any single contest, a shooter must use the same pistol, rifle, and shotgun in

all stages of the contest. If the firearm he started with becomes unserviceable during the

contest, he may use another firearm of the same type, action, and caliber. Such a shooter

may resume the contest at the next scheduled “start signal”, but previous stages may not be

re-shot. For example if a shooter starts with a Glock 34 and the gun breaks, the shooter

may finish with another Glock 34, a Glock 17, a Glock 19 or a Glock 26. (All of these are

9mm and of the same action and type.) Another example is if a shooter starts with a

Remington 870 and the gun breaks the shooter may finish with a Mossberg 500 or

Winchester 1200 in the same gauge.

TR&S- C 13. No shooter shall wear or use two pistols unless dictated by the specific course

of fire at hand.

TR&S- C 14. Pistols, Rifles, and Shotguns must start from the mechanical condition of

readiness appropriate to their design and be loaded to division capacity (See Appendix One

Equipment, Firearms for division capacity explanation). High capacity magazines must

be loaded to full division capacity of the division the contestant is shooting in.

TR&S- C 15. On cardboard targets, if the outside diameter of the shot’s grease ring touches

any part of a scoring line perforation, it will count for the value of the highest scoring zone

(radial tears around the bullet hole do not count for scoring purposes). Elongated bullet

holes in the paper exceeding two bullet diameters will not count. This normally applies to

moving targets fired upon at extreme angles. It can also apply to targets in which a metal

target stand has been hit.

TR&S- C 16. If a shooter fires more shots than is specified by the CoF in a given Limited

Vickers count string, the maximum value for each excess shot shall be subtracted from his

score, based on the maximum values of the shots on the target. He will also incur a single

procedural penalty regardless of the number of extra shots fired in that string.

TR&S- C 17. Shooters will engage targets with the left side shoulder when shooting from the left side of a barricade/cover and will engage targets with the right shoulder from the right side of a barricade/cover (long guns).

TR&S- C 18. Range Commands to be used in TR&S shall be: (See glossary for definitions.)

A. Load and Make Ready.

B. Shooter Ready.

C. Standby.

D. Finger.

E. Muzzle.

F. Stop.

G. Cover.

H. Unload and Show Clear.

I. Slide Down or Cylinder Closed. ( For Handgun) Bolt Open (For Long Gun)

J. Hammer Down. (not applicable for Long Gun)

K. Holster. (For Handgun) Sling (For Long Gun)

L. Range Is Safe.


Equipment Rules

E1. The shooter’s equipment must conform to the specifications set forth in Appendix



General Course of Fire Rules

TR&S- CoF 1. Any CoF that requires the shooter to re-engage a target in two (2) or more

strings of fire MUST be scored Limited Vickers or scored and taped between strings. This

includes targets shot with multiple firearms.

TR&S- CoF 2. No threat target shall be located so that it can be hit by shooting through

another threat target.

TR&S- CoF 3. When cover is available, it MUST be used both when shooting and

reloading.  Cover is considered “available” if a shooter is within five yards of it.

TR&S- CoF 4. Targets must be engaged in tactical priority unless tactical sequence is

specified. Targets within two (2) yards of each other relative to the distance from the

shooter are considered to be equal in threat.

TR&S- CoF 5. On stages that have a minimum round count one (1) round higher than the

capacity of a competitors firearm, emptying the firearm and failing to reload so as not to

engage the last shot in order to gain a competitive advantage will result in an FTDR.

TR&S- CoF 6. Determine and clearly mark muzzle safe points. (default is 180 degree rule)

TR&S- CoF 7. No need for concealment in scenario stages

TR&S- CoF 8. After the match has started, all course design changes are final. CoF

cannot be changed unless all competitors that have previously completed the stage get to

re-shoot it.

TR&S- CoF 9. In stages requiring a firearm to be set aside in a box, mat, or other device,

the muzzle of the firearm must point in a safe direction and the stage must be constructed

so the competitor does not have to go in front of the muzzle of any set aside gun.

TR&S- CoF 10. If a shotgun or rifle becomes inoperable due to an un-clearable

malfunction, breakage, or running out of ammunition, the handgun MAY, at the S.O.’s discretion, be used to        

complete the stage. Some stage designs, range layouts or range rules may not make this

possible. The course description, MD or SO should notify the competitors if this is not


Course of Fire Rules for Rifles

TR&S- CoFR 1. The configuration of the rifle will not be altered during a match. No parts

or accessories will be swapped, added or removed during a match, unless specified in the CoF.

TR&S- CoFR 2. Variable power optics will start on the lowest setting on all stages but may

be adjusted after the start signal.

TR&S- CoFR 3. Electrically powered optics may start in the on position. It is the

competitor’s responsibility to make sure the optic is on prior to the start. There will be no

reshoots given if the competitor forgets to turn on the optic.


Course of Fire Rules for Shotguns

TR&S- CoFS 1. Stages will also adhere to the rules detailed in the General Course of Fire

rules section unless otherwise noted.

TR&S- CoFS 2. Shotgun Stages or Strings may be all paper, all steel, or paper & steel. No

shot shells smaller than #6 may be used on steel targets, (#7.5, 8, 9’s typical trap and skeet loads not permitted)

TR&S- CoFS 4. The configuration of the shotgun will not be altered during a match. No

parts or accessories will be swapped, added or removed during a match. Adjustable or

removable chokes WILL NOT be adjusted or changed after the start of the match.

TR&S- CoFS 5. Only lead shot shells are allowed.

TR&S- CoFS 6. Only one type of ammunition may be loaded before the start of a stage.

Pre-staging of buck and slug needed in a stage is not allowed, unless specified by the course of fire, at the SO's direction.

TR&S- CoFS 7. Reloading the shotgun will be done in Ready Position Reload, accept for Transition Reloads from buckshot to slugs, or vice versa.




PC 1. Failure To Do Right (FTDR):

A. Adds twenty (20) seconds to total score.

B. Is assessed for any attempt to circumvent or compromise the spirit or rationale of

any stage by the use of inappropriate devices, equipment or techniques.

C. Is assessed for unsportsmanlike conduct, unfair actions, or the use of illegal

equipment, which, in the opinion of the MD, tends to make a travesty of the defensive

shooting sport. This will result in an FTDR or DQ from the entire match at the

discretion of the MD.

D. Examples: (Non-inclusive list)

1. Firing extra rounds so that you may reload at a more convenient time.

2. Purposely committing a procedural error because your score will be better even

with the penalty

3. Not reloading to fire one more round because your score will be better even with

the miss.

4. Loading a firearm beyond division capacity.


PC 2. Disqualification (DQ):

A. Results from unsportsmanlike conduct, unfair actions, or the use of illegal

equipment, which, in the opinion of the MD, tends to make a travesty of the defensive

shooting sport will result in an FTDR or DQ from the entire match at the discretion of

the match director. The shooter may not continue in any part of that day(s) match,

may not re-enter in another division, and may not shoot any side matches


PP 1. Procedural Error (PE):

A. Adds three (3) seconds per infraction.

B. Is assessed when the competitor does not follow the procedures set forth in the CoF

description or when a competitor breaks a competition rule. Only one (1) PE is

assessed for each type of infraction in a string of fire. If the shooter does more than one

type of infraction, such as using the wrong specified hand AND fire an incorrect

number of shots, a separate PE is assessed for each type of infraction.


a. The competitor fails to retain ammo when a tac-load/RWR is specified. (See Appendix TWO       Approved IDPA Reloads-Malfunction Clearing Exception.)

b. The competitor fails to perform a reload when specified in a CoF.

c. The competitor shoots from a stationary position when the CoF specifies shots are to be fired

while moving. One PE is assessed regardless of the number of shots fired.

e. The competitor fires a “double tap” which is two (2) rapid consecutive shots on the same

target when the CoF specifies that targets are to be engaged with one shot each, and then reengaged for a total of two (2) hits per target.

f. The competitor uses both hands when the CoF specifies that the shots are to be fired   stronghand only or weak-hand only.

g. The competitor shoots targets out of tactical sequence.

h. The competitor prematurely starts. An example of this would be moving the shooting hand

toward the gun between the standby command and the start signal.

i. The competitor fires extra shots on Limited Vickers scored stages. Tape over one (1) of the

highest scoring hits for each extra shot fired and assess one (1) procedural penalty per string of

fire regardless of the number of extra shots fired.

j. The competitor airguns and/or takes a sight picture.

k. The competitor makes improper use of cover. (See glossary for definition of “cover”.)

l. The competitor does not respond to “muzzle” or “finger” commands.

m. The competitor does not follow CoF rules as required.

n. Any time a loaded ammunition feeding device (magazine, speedloader or full moon clip) is

dropped from the carrier during a course of fire.

o. Engaging a target with the wrong firearm (example, shooting a target with a handgun that

required a rifle shot)


Stopped here.



PP 2. Hits on a Non-Threat Target (HNT):

A. Will result in a single ten (10) second penalty assessed per non-threat target hit, for hits with a pistol or single buckshot / birdshot hit.  For hits with a rifle or shotgun (slug or multiple buckshot / shot hits), the penalty is fifteen (15) seconds for a -0 hit,  fourteen (14) seconds for a -1 hit and twelve (12) seconds for a -3 hit.  If the competitor has more than one hit on a particular non-threat target, ONLY a single penalty will be assessed for that target, with the most lethal hit determining the penalty. However, multiple non-threat targets hit will incur one (1) penalty for each target. Note: In the case of shotgun hits on a non threat, the target must be hit by a pellet or slug. Wad hits will not count as a

hit on a Non Threat Target.

PP 3. Failure-to-Neutralize (FTN):

A. Will add five (5) seconds per infraction. This penalty applies to any target that does

not have at least one (1) four zone (minus 1) or higher value hit. See Appendix Nine,

Target-Scoring Zones for further clarification. Failure to neutralize penalties ONLY

applies when standard Vickers Count scoring is used and the target(s) do not

completely disappear.

B. Does NOT apply to Limited Vickers scoring or to permanently disappearing targets.

PP 4. Disqualification (DQ):

A. Results from unsafe gun handling. Put away the gun. (See Rules- Safety Rules-S 1.)



Appendix One: Equipment

A. Firearms

1. Non-TR&S-Legal Modifications for Rifles

The following modifications are NOT ALLOWED on any rifle.

A. No Laser aiming devices.

B. Compensators of more than one (1) inch in diameter.

C. Extended or Oversize Magazine Wells

2. Non-TR&S-Legal Modifications for Shotguns

The following modifications are NOT ALLOWED on any shotgun.

A. No Laser aiming devices.


B. Divisions


  1. A.Rifle  

  1. B.Shotgun -  

  1. C.Pistol- Any IDPA legal Pistol or revolver using IDPA legal capacity of up to 10 + 1  


  1. A.Rifle -  

  1. B.Shotgun -  

  1. C.Pistol- Any IDPA Legal Pistol or Revolver using IDPA legal capacity up to 10 + 1 



  1. A.Rifle 

  1. B.Shotgun -  

  1. C.Pistol -  CDP or ESR using IDPA legal capacity 


  1. A.Rifle – 


  1. B.Shotgun – same as Tactical Enhanced, except for the following: 

  1. C.Pistol - Any IDPA Legal Pistol or Revolver using IDPA legal capacity up to 10 + 1 



AUTO  A. Major cal - any cartridge with a power factor of 411,600 or more, base line using                             147 grain .308 ball ammo.  (Bullet weight X fps (147gr*2800fps = 411,600)) power factor.                                 B. Minor cal - any cartridge .223 or larger up to a power factor of 411,600.

BOLT  A. Major cal - any cartridge with a power factor of 411,600 or more, base line using 147  grain .308 ball ammo.  (Bullet weight X fps (147gr*2800fps = 411,600)) power factor.                        B. Minor cal - any cartridge .223 or larger up to a power factor of 411,600

3 GUN / 4 GUN:

Will be classified according to what tactical rifle/shotgun division is used.  Rifle & Shotgun must be in the same division or you will be placed based on which weapon is in the higher division, stock iron being the lowest division and Open the highest.  Heavy gun division has to be met in its entirety to qualify for 3 and or 4 gun matches.

PISTOL CALIBER CARBINES:  No pistol caliber carbines are to be used in any match where the distance within the CoF is more than 100 yards.  They can be used however if the match/CoF is within the 100 yards specified i.e. CQB match.  Check with MD/RO before match. They will be classified in Stock or Enhanced, based on configuration.

C. Holsters

1. Pistol Holsters and Ammunition Carriers: All sidearm holsters must at 3:00 for right-handed shooters and 9:00 for left-handed shooters either on the hip, or drop leg and be at least a level one (1) retention.

2. Rifle Ammunition Carriers Must:

 Hold the magazine with enough tension to allow it to be turned upside

down and retain a fully loaded magazine

3. Shotgun Ammunition Carriers Must

Hold the shells with enough tension to allow it to be turned upside down

and retain all the shells or have a snap cover to retain ammunition.

4. Ammunition Carrier Notes:

A. A three (3) second procedural penalty will be assessed any time a

loaded ammunition feeding device (magazine, revolver speedloader, or

moon clip) or shotgun shell is dislodged and falls out of the carrier

during a course of fire. Dropping a loaded ammunition feeding device

or shotgun shell during a reload is not a procedural as long as the

competitor does not leave two (2) or more rounds of ammunition behind.

B. In lieu of the use of ammunition carriers, spare magazines or shotgun

shells used in a CoF may be carried in the contestant’s pockets and used

for any Legal Reload. You may not change carry methods during

a match.


D. Ammunition

Metal piercing, incendiary and tracer ammunition are prohibited. In cases where metal targets

are used which may be damaged by excessive penetration, the club conducting the contest may

prohibit cartridges that may damage the equipment.

1. Power Floor.

Calculate power floor by multiplying the bullet weight by the muzzle velocity. You will need a

chronograph to verify muzzle velocity.


Appendix Two: Approved TR&S Reloads

Failure to do an approved reload will result in a three (3) second procedural penalty per

infraction. Failure to do the reload specified by the CoF will result in a (3) second procedural

penalty or an FTDR. Failure to properly stow a partial magazine or live ammunition after a

Tactical Reload or Reload with Retention prior to firing the first shot after the reload, will incur a

procedural penalty. Tactical Reloads and Reloads with Retention are interchangeable. See

glossary for further details. When no specific type of reload is specified, any approved reload

may be done at the shooter’s discretion.

Malfunction Clearing Exception: When clearing a malfunction, the magazine that may have

caused the malfunction does not need to be retained by the shooter and will incur no penalty.

Approved TR&S reloads:

Tactical Reload

Tactical Reload (Tac-Load) is recharging the gun during a lull in the action by:

A. Drawing a spare magazine prior to the ejection of the partial magazine from the gun.

B. Dropping the partial magazine from the gun.

C. Inserting the spare magazine into the gun.

D. Stowing the partial magazine properly (See “proper magazine retention” in the glossary).

E. A Tac-Load in a firearm with a tubular magazine (shotgun, lever action rifle) is

accomplished by topping off the firearm when not shooting. This is to be done while behind


F. A Tac-Load in a firearm that is clip fed with an internal box magazine is accomplished by

topping off the internal magazine with loose cartridges. In the case of a rifle that does not

permit topping off in this manner, the Tactical Reload is done by:

1. Ejecting the partial clip from the gun

2. Inserting the spare clip into the gun

3. Stowing the partial clip properly (See “proper magazine retention” in the glossary)


Reload with Retention (RWR)

Reload with Retention (RWR) is recharging the gun during a lull in the action by:

A. Dropping the partial magazine from the gun.

B. Stowing the partial magazine properly (See “proper magazine retention” in the glossary).

C. Drawing a spare magazine.

D. Inserting the spare magazine into the gun.

E. In the case of a rifle that is clip fed with an internal box magazine, a Reload With

Retention is done by:

1. Removing the partial clip from the gun

2. Stowing the partial clip properly (See “proper magazine retention” in the glossary)

3. Inserting the spare clip into the gun.


Slide-Lock (Emergency) Reload

Slide-Lock (Emergency) Reload is recharging the gun when it is completely empty by:

A. Dropping the empty magazine.

B. Drawing a spare magazine.

C. Inserting the spare magazine into the gun.

D. Racking the slide or hitting the slide release button.

E. In the case of a tubular or internal box magazine gun, an Emergency reload is done by

refilling the magazine.

NOTE: The slide and/or bolt do not lock back on some guns. In that case, the shooter will have

to rack the slide. This is not grounds for a procedural penalty.

NOTE: Reloads may only begin when the shooter is fully behind cover and will be deemed

complete when the fresh magazine is seated and the slide/bolt is fully forward or the cylinder is

closed. (See Appendix THREE – Cover)

Intentional “round dumping” to gain a competitive advantage will result in a twenty (20) second

FTDR penalty. Courses should be designed with specific reload points behind cover in mind.

Once behind cover, a competitor may move behind cover while reloading. If a competitor shoots

to slide lock with targets still remaining to be engaged from a specific firing point, the

competitor does NOT have to duck behind completely cover while reloading, if you are using

cover adequately while firing it will also be adequate cover while reloading. Keeping an eye on

your threat zone while reloading is a sound tactic in the real world.

For TR&S purposes, contestants may replace the magazine in their pistol with a fully loaded one

while the pistol remains in the holster as long as they are facing down range and the range is

clear. It is highly recommended that contestants become comfortable with performing either a

Tactical Reload or a Reload with Retention between strings of fire as they re-charge their pistols.


Ready Position Reload (RPR)

Is done behind cover/concealment when available.  The shotgun will be in the firing position either on the shoulder or tucked under the armpit in the upright horizontal position facing the direction of danger. Ready position means that the shotgun is ready to fire, as you reload, in an instant by:

A. Holding shotgun in upright horizontal firing position (finger off trigger)

B. Reload chamber first if completely empty then close bolt (may have to tilt shotgun slightly to help aid in chambering).  If the bolt is closed, this may be done by loading the magazine with one round, and working the action.  Or in guns that have removable box magazines, swap magazines and work the bolt.

C. replenish magazine tube to capacity if time allows (if interrupted, still able to take the shot, then continue reloading magazine tube.  


Transition Reload:


If a course of fire has mixed slug and buckshot targets, and the gun is already loaded with one type of ammo, requiring that it be swapped with two or more rounds of the other type of ammo, a Ready Position Reload is not required.  The shooter may do whatever is necessary to quickly unload one type of ammo, and load with the other.



If the course of fire requires engaging




Appendix Three: Cover

More than 50% of the shooter’s upper torso must be behind cover while engaging threat targets

and/or reloading. For low cover, one knee must be on the ground and for vertical cover such as a

wall/barricade, 100% of the shooter’s legs and feet must be behind cover. When shooting from

ports or “windows”, the competitor must use the sides of the port/window as cover and cannot

stand centered in the port/window.

A general rule of thumb is that the shooter will have to lean out of cover more for each target he

engages (slicing the pie). The distance between the threat targets will determine how much more

the shooter must poke out in order to engage the targets. A shooter who engages more than one

target from the same position has not been using cover properly.

When possible, having the scorekeeper stand directly behind the competitor (after the gun is

drawn) will assist the SO in determining if 50% exposure was maintained. However, in most

instances, the safety officer can position himself so both the shooter’s gun and relationship to the

targets can both be observed.

Safety Officers who observe a shooter not using cover properly should shout the command

COVER”. The shooter should immediately correct his use of cover. TR&S understands many

shooters are often too fast in engaging targets for the SO to be able to warn the shooter in time.

Therefore, if the Safety Officer did not have the time or opportunity to yell “COVER” before the

shooter engaged targets without using cover properly, the shooter still earns a procedural error.

All reloads must be executed from cover (if cover is available) and must be completed before

leaving cover. A shooter is deemed loaded and may move from a position of cover ONLY when

the fresh magazine or round is FULLY SEATED and the slide/bolt is fully forward or revolver

cylinder is closed. Shooters may not move from one position of cover to another with an empty

gun. Reloads must be completed from cover; however this does not mean that a shooter must

duck back completely behind cover to reload before reengaging targets from a stationary firing

point. The contestant may keep his eyes on his next “opponent” as long as he follows the

definition of cover and does not expose too much of his body to the next threat target.

Appendix Four: Scoring

The scoring system in TR&S is designed to reward accuracy over pure speed. Vickers Count

converts everything to a time score and the fastest time wins. The main things to remember

when scoring Vickers Count are that everything is based on time and that you are working with

the POINTS DOWN (PD) from the possible, NOT the points scored on the target. Always

award any question on scoring to the contestant. If you have to look at the target very closely to

determine if a shot has broken a higher scoring line, you will automatically award the higher

value to the contestant.  When in doubt of a scoring call, always award the higher value to the shooter. This also applies to doubles. This does not automatically mean that every miss is a double. Additionally, a tear is not used to give a shooter a better score. If you can tell the actual area of the bullet hole and it does not reach the next highest scoring ring, the shooter gets the lower score even if the tear reaches the next highest scoring ring.

A. Vickers Count.

*note TR&S does not multiply the number of points down by half (.5) second unless the number of  IDPA sidearm specific targets is over three per string/stage.

(For use when shooting speed shoots & scenarios)

Vickers Count scoring is based on assessing the shooter a “Time” penalty for every point the

shooter drops from the total “Possible” point score (points down). To score Vickers Count,

simply take the time it took to complete the string of fire (raw time). Add any applicable penalties and total to get the Final Score. In Vickers Count scoring, as many shots as desired may be fired, but only the best hits as specified by the course description will be scored.

For Example: If two (2) hits per target are specified in the course description and three (3) shots

are fired, ONLY the two (2) highest scoring hits will count for score.

In certain course designs, the course description may specify that a certain number of shots may

be required on specific areas of the target, i.e. two (2) shots to the body and one (1) shot to the

head. Shots that are specified for the body, but where the shooter actually shoots the head are to

be counted as -0. However, shots that are specified for the head that are shot below the neck line

are to be counted as misses (-5 for each miss). The rationale is that the head box is a smaller

target than the body and therefore is a more difficult target. Shooting all shots to the head to

circumvent sight alignment transition may be considered a procedural and incur the penalty.

CoF designers and MDs should be aware of this possibility and decide beforehand how to handle

it. Some course designers will specify head shots in order to simulate the threat target as wearing

body armor.

Easy way to score Vickers Count:

1. Write down the raw time from the timer.

2. Count the total number of misses.

3. Multiply the number of misses by five (5) points down.

4. Add the number of points down for the remaining shots to the number of misses.

5. Write down applicable penalties, for instance; add three (3) seconds for any procedural


6. Add the raw time to the converted points down and applicable penalties for a final score.

7. In this way, everything has been converted to time so that the lowest (fastest) time wins.

B. Limited Vickers Count.

(For use when shooting standard exercises or when targets will be engaged multiple times before


Same as Vickers Count described above EXCEPT the number of shots you can fire on any string

is limited to the number specified in the course description. Any extra shots will incur a

procedural penalty of three (3) seconds per string and one of your highest scoring hits will be

deducted from your point score for each extra shot fired. Limited Vickers scoring is used to

allow multiple strings to be fired without having to score the targets after each string of fire, thus

making the stage run quicker. Limited Vickers should ONLY be used to score Standard

Exercises courses and is not suitable for Scenario stages.

C. Did Not Finish (DNF).

If a contestant cannot finish a stage due to a broken firearm, his score will be determined by

whichever of the following methods will result in the best score:

1. All required shots that were not fired will be scored for points down and failure to

neutralize; this time penalty will be added to their total time up to the point where the firearm


2. The minimum number of shots required for the stage will be multiplied by three (3)

seconds for a stage score.

A competitor that chooses not to shoot a stage will be given no score and a DNF for the entire


3.  For “special events” which have very long courses of fire, special penalties may be given for failing to complete a course of fire.  Criteria and penalty value will be announced before the match begins.

D. Hard Cover / Soft Cover.

Any shot that puts a full diameter hole in “hard” cover and continues on to penetrate the target

will be considered to have missed the target (whether the target is a threat or a non-threat).

There is no penalty for hitting “hard” cover other than the miss. Stage props are

commonly used to represent “hard” cover or impenetrable objects such as walls, cars, barricades

and furniture such as desks and file cabinets. Shots that penetrate “soft” cover will be scored as

HITS. or use props such as windows, curtains, shrubs, etc.

E. Threat / Non-Threat Designation.

Threat targets may be designated by the painting of a gun or clipping the cutout of a gun on the

target. This target designation is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. In no case should a

gun and an open hand be positioned on the same target. Targets should be clearly designated as

threat or non-threat.

Non-threat targets MUST be designated by the painting of an open hand or hands on the target

or, in the case of a target with a shirt on it, clipping a cutout of an open hand or hands.

On a shoot through of a non-threat target that also strikes a threat target, the contestant will get

the penalty for the non-threat target hit AND will get credit for the scored hit on the threat target.

The reverse also applies when a round on a threat target penetrates a non-threat behind it.

Hence the rule of thumb: all shoot throughs count (except on hard cover).

F. Shotguns and Vickers Count

Shotguns can be used against frangible targets, steel or paper. Steel targets for shotguns are

scored exactly as they would be for handguns. A steel target is scored as a -0 if hit and -10 if

missed and the FTN applies. Frangible targets (eg. Clay Targets) are scored like steel targets.

Paper targets for shotguns can be engaged with slugs or buckshot. Slug hits on paper are scored

exactly like handgun hits are. Be careful to score the hole made by the slug and not the wad.

Keeping slug targets more than 15 yards out will help make the differentiation easier. If the

Match Director wants to shoot paper targets with slugs at close range, he should back the target

with plywood to prevent the wad from penetrating the cardboard target.

Buckshot used on paper targets in TR&S program should be 00 or larger load for 12 gauge (#3

for 20 gauges).  Match Directors planning to use buckshot on paper targets

give shooters advance notice so they will have the correct ammunition on hand. Buckshot hits

on paper are scored as follows:

More than Six pellets (14 for 20 ga) in the -0 zone of the target: -0

More than Six pellets (14 for 20 ga) in the -1 zone and -0 combined: -1

Less than Six pellets (14 for 20 ga) in the -1 zone and -0 combined: -3 & FTN.

Zero Pellets in the target: -5 & FTN

The hole made by a shotgun wad is not to be scored. An 8” paper plate can be used as a repair

center on an IDPA target that has been engaged with buckshot.

G. Rifles and Vickers Count

Rifles can be used against steel or paper. Steel targets for Rifles are scored exactly as they

would be for handguns. A steel target is scored as a -0 if hit and -10 if missed

Rifle hits on paper are scored one (1) second per points down. The CoF description will determine the minimum number of hits per target.

Appendix five: Transitions

Transitioning from Handgun to Long gun or from Long Gun to Handgun is an integral part of

TR&S program. It is important that transitions be done safely. The following is a list

of rules for transitions.  Transitions can be done on or off the clock.

Abandoning the Handgun when Transitioning from Handgun to Long Gun (Rifle or


Box or other Container

When the shooter is at the point in the CoF that calls for a transition, the shooter can safely

deposit the handgun into a box or other container set aside for this purpose, and then transition to

the long gun. The box is to be oriented so that it is secure and will hold the gun. When the gun is

inside the box, the muzzle of the gun is to point downrange or towards a side berm. The shooter

must never go forward of the muzzle.


If the handgun has gone dry or is broken, the shooter may set it down on the ground anytime

during the stage provided the gun is UNLOADED with the slide locked back, the muzzle places

in a safe direction, (side berm or downrange) and the shooter does not go in front of the muzzle.

Setting a loaded gun on the ground will be grounds for a match disqualification.



If the CoF calls for a transition, it may stipulate the shooter holster the handgun. This is to be

done Off The Clock. The shooter may set safety, holster the handgun and transition to the rifle.

There are many other ways to transition a handgun to long gun. The CoF may require the gun to

be placed down beside a mannequin, or on a table, etc. No matter how the gun is set aside, the

CoF must be set up so the shooter never goes in front of the muzzle of the set aside handgun.

Abandoning the Long Gun when Transitioning from Long Gun to Handgun

There are several ways that a CoF can safely mandate a transition from a long gun to a handgun.

Since it does not make a lot of sense to transition from a perfectly good long gun to a handgun,

these kinds of transitions should be reserved for when the long gun has gone dry or is broken.

Mat, Box, or Pad.

Gun is to be set on safe or have action left open. Gun is laid down on mat with muzzle facing

downrange or into a side berm. The shooter may not go in front of the muzzle while shooting the



If the long gun has gone dry or is broken, the shooter may set it down on the ground or approved

stage description mandated location anytime during the stage provided the gun is UNLOADED

first, the muzzle placed in a safe direction, (side berm or downrange) and the shooter does not go

in front of the muzzle while shooting the stage. The action does not need to be left open, but the

safety must be engaged (if applicable). Laying a loaded gun on the ground is grounds for a

match disqualification and the SO will verify the long guns condition after completion of the


Retrieving the Long Gun when Transitioning from Hand Gun to Long Gun

The CoF description will stipulate where the Long Gun is to be stowed for retrieval during the

CoF. This can be somewhere like the trunk of a vehicle, a rack, box, pad, or the ground. The

gun is to be stowed in a condition stipulated by the CoF. If the gun is to be stowed loaded, the

safety must be on. See the appendix for more details. The gun must be stowed in a manner that

points the muzzle in a safe direction (side berm, downrange) and at no point is the shooter to go

forward of the muzzle during the CoF

Retrieving the Hand Gun when Transitioning from Long Gun to Handgun

The CoF description will stipulate where the Hand Gun is to be stowed for retrieval during the

CoF. This can be somewhere like the trunk of a vehicle, a rack, box, pad, the ground, or a

holster. The gun is to be stowed in a condition stipulated by the CoF. If the gun is to be stowed

loaded, the safety must be on. See the appendix for more details. The gun must be stowed in a

manner that points the muzzle in a safe direction (side berm, downrange) and at no point is the

shooter to go forward of the muzzle during the CoF

Slings and Transitioning


How to perform an Off-The-Clock Transition:

When the shooter has come up to the point in the CoF where the transition is to happen, he safes

his firearm and stores it in one of the IDPA approved manners. The SO reads the time of the first

string to the score keeper. The shooter then transition to the second arm, and indicates ready by

a predetermined signal. (eg. covering a hash mark on a prop with the muzzle of the arm) The

Safety Officer then restarts the timer, and the second time is recorded as the second string. This

can be repeated for additional stages are required.

Appendix Six: Glossary

Airgunning: The act of going through the motions of firing the CoF with a hand or pointed

finger without a firearm in hand.

Beavertail: Commonly, a grip safety that protects the hand from being hit by the hammer of a


Bianchi Style Barricade: A barricade wall the dimensions of which are 24” wide by 6' tall. The

shooting box is 24” wide and does not necessarily have a back to it.

Chamber Flag: Brightly colored device inserted into the chamber of a firearm to give a visual

signal that the chamber is open.

Concealment: Using a garment to conceal the gun, holster and ammunition container carriers.

CoF: Course of Fire.

Cold Range: A range that does NOT allow loaded firearms in the holster or to be handled except

while on the firing line and under the supervision of a SO.

Cover: 1) More than 50% of the shooter’s upper torso must be behind cover while engaging

threat targets and/or reloading. For low cover, one knee must be on the ground and for vertical

cover such as a wall/barricade, 100% of the shooter’s legs and feet must be behind cover.

All reloads must be executed from cover (if cover is available) and must be completed before

leaving cover. A shooter is deemed loaded and may move from a position of cover ONLY when

the fresh magazine is FULLY SEATED and the slide is fully forward or revolver cylinder is

closed. Shooters may not move from one position of cover to another with an empty gun.

Reloads must be completed from cover; however this does not mean that a shooter must duck

back completely behind cover to reload before reengaging targets from a stationary firing point.

The contestant may keep his eyes on his next “opponent” as long as he follows the definition of

cover and does not expose too much of his body to the next threat target.

2) See “Range Commands”.

Chronograph: An instrument for measuring the time of flight of projectiles and used for

determining power floors.

Cruiser Ready. Means of stowing or carrying a long gun that has the gun stored with a loaded

magazine with bolt close, hammer down, and safety off. Cruiser Ready is to be used as the

starting on all guns that do not have external safeties. (e.g. Some types of Lever Action Rifles)

unless the CoF stipulates starting with a fully empty gun. If the CoF stipulates shooting from




Patrol Ready, shooters may opt to start from Cruiser Ready instead. (see also Mechanical

Conditions of Readiness)

Cylinder Closed: See “Range Commands”.

Elongated Bullet Hole: An oval shaped bullet hole caused by shooting into the target at an

extreme angle. Elongated bullet holes that are larger than twice the diameter of the bullet score

as a miss on turning targets.

Extended Magazine Release: A slightly longer than standard magazine release that does not

protrude from the frame more than .2 inches.

Extended Slide Release: A slide stop/release that is wider or longer than industry standard for

the model.

Finger: See “Range Commands”.

Freestyle: The shooter’s option to shoot with either hand or with both hands holding the gun.

Grease Ring: The stain left on the target around a bullet hole indicating the actual diameter of

the bullet that passed through.

Hammer Down: See “Range Commands”.

Hot Range: A range that allows loaded guns in the holster even when not on the firing line. No

firearms are to be handled except under the supervision of a SO or in the Safe area.

Load and Make Ready: See “Range Commands”.

Loaded Firearm: A firearm containing any ammunition whether the chamber is loaded or not.

Match: A competition comprised of courses of fire that a competitor completes.

Mechanical Conditions of Readiness: How a firearm is to be set prior to the starting position.

Unless the CoF stipulates otherwise, the conditions will be:

A. Single Action Semi Automatic Pistols – Magazine loaded to capacity, round in

chamber, safety on.

B. Double Action Semi Automatic Pistols- Magazine loaded to capacity, round in

chamber, decocked, with safety on or off

C. Double Action Only or Safe Action Pistols- Magazine loaded to capacity, round in


D. Revolvers- Cylinder loaded with six rounds maximum.

E. Semi Automatic Shotguns,- Patrol Ready or Cruiser Ready

F. Pump Shotguns- Patrol Ready or Cruiser Ready

G. Semi Automatic Rifles- Patrol Ready or Cruiser Ready,

H. Lever Action Rifles- Patrol Ready (models with external safety devices) or Cruiser

Ready (all other rifles)

I. All other Long Gun action types needing definition will be addressed by the Match


MD: Match Director.

Muzzle: See “Range Commands”.

Muzzle Safe Point: A position on a CoF, beyond which, it is not safe to aim the muzzle of a

Gun There will be at least two (2) muzzle safe points on any given stage. Pointing of the competitor’s muzzle beyond predetermined muzzle safe points will result in immediate disqualification. The muzzle of a shooter’s handgun MUST NEVER be pointed in an unsafe direction. The pointing of a firearm in any direction that would cause injury to another person is deemed unsafe. Competitors should ALWAYS be conscious of their muzzle direction.

NOTE: Safety officers/spectators should NEVER stand directly behind the holstered handgun

during the start command or during re-holstering of the handgun.

Oversize Magazine Release: Any magazine release in which the diameter is greater than the

factory standard magazine release.

Patrol Ready: Condition of Readiness for a long gun. Patrol Ready is having the gun with a

loaded magazine, cartridge in the chamber, and the safety engaged.

Proper Magazine Retention: A place for a partially loaded magazine to be stowed before firing

the first shot after a reload. These places include: pants pocket; vest pocket; jacket pocket;

waistband; magazine pouch. The use of specially designed pockets, shirt pockets, upper vest

pockets, hands or teeth is NOT permitted.

Radial Tear: A tear in the cardboard or paper that occurs perpendicular to the grease ring of the

bullet and is not used for scoring purposes.

Range Commands:

Load and Make Ready: Command given to the shooter to load gun to either CoF specification or

division capacity and re-holster.

Shooter Ready: Question asked by SO to make sure the shooter is ready to engage the CoF.

Standby: Command given to the shooter to freeze in the start position before the audible start


Finger: Alert given to shooter to remove his finger from the trigger guard.

Muzzle: Alert given to shooter to maintain muzzle control within the muzzle safe points. Safety

Officers may need to physically push the shooter’s arms to get the muzzle downrange if they do

not immediately move at the command.

Stop: Alert given to the shooter to stop all shooting and movement.

Cover: Alert given to the shooter for using improper cover.

Unload and Show Clear: Command given to the shooter to unload his weapon and show the SO

a clear chamber or cylinder.

Slide Down or Cylinder Closed: Command given to the shooter to lower the slide or close the

cylinder of an empty weapon.

Hammer Down: Command given to shooter to dry fire into the berm to show a clear weapon.

Bolt Open: Command given to shooter to lock bolt open on a long gun

Holster: Command given to the shooter to put the weapon back in the holster.

Sling/Shoulder: Command given to shooter to shoulder or sling a long gun.

Range is Safe: Command stating that the shooter has holstered his weapon and it is safe to

proceed downrange.

Reload: A method of recharging the gun. There are four (4) types of reloads allowed in TR&S.

See “Reload, Slide Lock”, “Reload, Tactical (Tac-Load)”, “Reload, Ready Position” and “Reload with Retention” for

further details. A shooter is deemed loaded and may move from a position of cover ONLY when

the fresh magazine or round is FULLY-SEATED and the slide/bolt is forward or revolver

cylinder is closed.

Reload, Ready Position:

Holding shotgun in upright horizontal firing position (finger off trigger)

Reload chamber first if completely empty then close bolt (may have to tilt shotgun slightly to help aid in chambering)

replenish magazine tube to capacity if time allows (if interrupted, still able to take the shot, then continue reloading magazine tube.  

Reload, Speed or Slide Down: Recharging the gun when there is a round in the chamber by:

Dropping the partial magazine on the ground.

Drawing a spare magazine.

Inserting the spare magazine into the gun.

Leaving the partial or empty magazine behind.

NOTE: There is NO provision for the speed reload in TR&S competition.

Reload, Slide Lock: Recharging the gun when it is completely empty by:

Dropping the empty magazine.

Drawing a spare magazine.

Inserting the spare magazine into the gun.

Racking the slide or hitting the slide release button.

NOTE: The slide does not lock back on some guns. In that case, the shooter will have to rack

the slide. This is not grounds for a procedural penalty.

Reload, Tactical (Tac-Load): Recharging the gun during a lull in the action by:

Drawing a spare magazine prior to the ejection of the partial magazine from the gun.

Dropping the partial magazine from the gun.

Inserting the spare magazine into the gun.

Stowing the partial magazine properly (See “proper magazine retention.”)

There is no Tac-load for a shotgun.

NOTE: Should the CoF call for a Tac-Load and the magazine is empty while a round remains in

the chamber, the empty magazine must be retained.

Reload with Retention (RLR): Recharging the gun during a lull in the action by:

Dropping the partial magazine from the gun, stowing the partial magazine properly (See

proper magazine retention.”)

Drawing a spare magazine.

Inserting the spare magazine into the gun.

There is no RLR for shotguns.

NOTE: Should the CoF call for a Reload with Retention and the magazine is empty while a

round remains in the chamber, the empty magazine must be retained.

Revolver Neutral: A descriptive term for a CoF which does not call for revolver shooters to do

impossible things. This does NOT mean that every CoF should require six (6) rounds or less.

This does mean that, if a CoF requires a tactical reload, the tactical reload will be called for

before six (6) rounds have been expended.

You cannot ask a person with an empty gun to retain unexpended rounds. Think of revolvers

when designating cover, reloads and stage requirements.

Safe Area: A designated area to handle UNLOADED guns. NO AMMUNITION can be

handled in a safe area.

Scenario stage: CoF designed to simulate a real life encounter.

Shooter Ready: See “Range Commands”.

Sight Picture: The act of drawing a loaded or unloaded firearm and aiming it down range before

the start signal to begin a CoF; a procedural penalty will be incurred for each infraction.

Sights: Only conventional notch and post type sights are permitted for IDPA competition.

Sights may include tritium inserts, fiber optic inserts, white dots, etc. Examples of conventional

notch and post type sights:

Slide, lightening: Removal of portions of the slide to gain a competitive advantage.

Slide Down: See “Range Commands”.

Speed shoot: An up-close and personal CoF or string that normally will have no more than six

(6) rounds required and be no more than seven (7) yards firing distance.

SO: Safety Officer.

Stage: See “CoF”.

Standby: See “Range Commands”.

Standard Exercises: Stages that do not depict possible real life encounters but do test skills that

could be needed in a real life encounter.

Stippling: Texturing. Similar to checkering, but normally used on polymer frame guns. Used

basically to create a more secure grip.

Stop: See “Range Commands”.

String: Section of a CoF initiated by a start signal, ending with the last shot fired. There may be

more than one string per CoF.

Strong Hand: The hand the shooter holds the gun in normally while shooting.

Strong Hand Only: Denotation in a CoF that only the strong hand can be used to control the

gun. The weak hand must not touch the gun except when clearing a malfunction.

Tactical Priority: A method of target engagement. For Tactical Priority, targets are engaged by

order of threat. If all targets are visible, targets are engaged from near to far, as long as targets

are more than two (2) yards from each other. If targets are hidden by a barricade, targets are

engaged as they are seen (slicing the pie).

Tactical Sequence: A method of target engagement. For Tactical Sequence, all targets are

engaged with one round each before being engaged again. In the case of three (3) targets

requiring two (2) rounds each, all targets would be engaged with one round to each target

BEFORE reengaging the targets with another round in any order (1-1-2-1-1).

TDP: Total Points Down.

Weak Hand: The hand that the shooter does NOT normally shoot with.

Unload and Show Clear: See “Range Commands”.

Weak Hand Only: Denotation in a CoF that only the weak hand can be used to control the gun.

The strong hand must not touch the gun except when clearing a malfunction.

Weighted Grips: Any set of grips that weigh more than two (2) oz. over factory standard weight

for the model.

Weighted Magazine: Any magazine that weighs more than one (1) ounce over the weight of a

factory standard magazine for the specific pistol in question.