Muzzeloading Rifle Match
October 14, 2018
ALGC will be holding our first Smokepole match on the 50 yard range on October 15th at high noon.
Any kind of muzzeloading rifle will be allowed. There will be only two classes, round ball and conical projectiles. Iron sights or scopes are allowed. Black powder or black powder substitutes are allowed. The only hard fast rule on rifles are that they are safe and must be loaded from the muzzle. We will fire about 20 rounds plus sighters standing and another 10 of so from cross sticks (provided by club) from 50 yards at 4 different targets. You will have 20 minutes per firing period to shoot each target. The match cost is $10 and re-entries are allowed for $5. Shooting hours are from 12:00 to 3 PM.
All loading will be done at benches located behind firing lines. Capping or priming will be done only on the firing line. In the event of rain, covered loading and firing positions will be provided. You may contact John Hill with any questions.