Ashland Lake Gun Club

IDPA Clinic - April 26th, 2003

The weather conditions were perfect as we kicked off the IDPA season with our annual clinic, held Saturday April 26th. The mild sunny day was only brightened further by the addition of three young ladies to our
Watch out guys - these gals take their shooting seriously!
These girls take their shooting seriously.
total attendance of over 20.

Our morning started out in the pavilion with a number of our IDPA staff briefing those in attendance on everything from holster selection, to rules of the game, to basic (and, of course, safe) gun handling techniques, and everything in between. Our "continental breakfast" was of course provided by none other than our own Combat Cuisine!

In short order, it was off to the ranges where once again our able IDPA staff ran the squads through a series of drills and exercises to provide an introduction and exposure to those scenarios that will be seen at the IDPA classifier. This was also an opportunity for some of our own staff to clear out a few of the cob-webs in preparation for the upcoming IDPA season.
Draw and fire.

After a morning full of fun, challenge, and, yes, a little frustration at times (we're sure it was the wind), we all enjoyed filling our appetites with another fine meal provided by Combat Cuisine. As an added bonus, all three ladies took advantage of an opportunity after lunch to be "officially scored" on an actual IDPA station/scenario.

All in all, it appeared a great time was had by all and we hope that all of those in attendance can make it to our IDPA classifier to be held Saturday May 17 starting at 9:00 A.M.  Thanks, again, to all of our IDPA instructors, safety officers, and staff who made this year's clinic safe, enjoyable, and another great success!
Looks like they had fun!
They had fun!

Details on our 2002 Clinic here
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Click here for more info about ALGC including how to contact us
Ashland Lake Gun Club, 206 US Rt. 42, West Salem, OH 44287.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39121, Solon, OH 44139
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