Ashland Lake Gun Club
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New Electronic Targets

They’re here! We finally took delivery of the CMP eScore Electronic Target system on January 11th. For what seemed like an eternity of waiting, our new CMP rep and his helper delivered and installed them on Friday, and yes, those of us down at the Club helping to unpack and set them up, took them for a test drive! This is what the targets look like:

Not too terribly different from our regular rifle targets, but these contain sensors and electronics to triangulate the shots in the target. The targets communicate back to the firing line via a radio frequency link to the tablets that each shooter has.

The tablet displays the shot position, the shot value, the center of the shot group and keeps track of the shooter’s score! The system is self contained and battery operated. ALGC is the first club outside of any CMP facility to have these targets. This is a good example of your tax dollars at work. Finally we received a range grant from ODNR for $20,000 to help pay for this system. The manufacturer has over 300 different target faces for the system, which makes the system very flexible for competition shooting, hunter training (yes they have animal targets!) and police/military training. Come on down in the spring to try them out! Apologies to those members who called to come down and help with the set up from last month’s newsletter. I had been misinformed by our old CMP rep that set up would require four days, it only took four hours! Special thanks to Pat Sink and the apprentices of Local 18 of the Operating Engineers who helped with the berm construction as well as those members who helped out during those blistering hot days last summer.

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