Ashland Lake Gun Club
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High Power Matches

July 1, 2017



Slow Prone

Rapid Prone


Total Score

Roy Mitchell

98 4x

94 1x

87 3x

279 8x

Dave Casto

93 1x

87 0x

84 1x

268 2x

Jan Hill

88 0x

85 0x

90 1x

263 1x

Drew Phillips

80 1x

91 0x

79 0x

250 1x

Dave Hawthorne

94 2x

85 0x

57 0x

236 2x

Sam Phillips

69 0x

42 0x

11 0x

122 1x

Vintage FSR:


Slow Prone

Rapid Prone


Total Score


Roy Mitchell

97 2x

95 2x

86 0x

278 4x

6.5 Sweed

David Casto

93 1x

90 0x

81 0x

264 1x

1938 Swiss

Chuck Reinhart

90 2x

87 0x

72 0x

249 2x

M38 Sweed Mauser

Dave Hawthorne

93 0x

80 0x

74 0x

247 0x

.303 Enfield

Fred Presler

76 0x

31 0x

61 0x

168 0x

.303 Enfield

M1 Carbine:



Rapid Sitting

Rapid Prone

Slow Prone

Total Score

John Hill

75 0x

86 0x

92 1x

94 2x

347 3x

Curtis Petchler

77 1x

78 1x

87 0x

87 0x

339 2x

Mark Podany

73 0x

82 0x

87 0x

87 0x

329 0x

Dave Hawthorne

57 0x

67 0x

86 0x

89 0x

299 0x

Dave Casto

67 0x

60 0x

78 0x

89 1x

294 1x

Chuck Reinhart

61 0x

74 1x

59 0x

86 0x

280 1x

Modern Military:


Prone Slow Fire

Prone Rapid Fire


Total Score

Howard Funk

95 3x

91 0x

85 1x

271 4x

Complete Club Calendar

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