Month |
Day |
Date |
Time |
Event |
April |
Saturday | 24 | 9:30 | IDPA New Shooter's Clinic (details) |
May |
Saturday |
8 |
9:00 |
IDPA Classifier (details) |
May |
Saturday |
29 |
9:00 |
IDPA Match 4 course of fire (details) |
June |
Saturday |
19 |
9:00 |
IDPA Match - 4 courses of fire (details) |
June |
Saturday |
26 |
IDPA State Match (Not at ALGC) |
June |
Sunday |
27 |
IDPA State Match (Not at ALGC) |
July |
Saturday |
17 |
9:00 |
IDPA Match - 4 course of fire. Classifier match to be
held after the regular IDPA match. (details) |
August |
Saturday |
21 |
9:00 |
IDPA Match (details) |
August |
Sunday |
29 |
12:00 |
IDPA Match - Back up gun / concealed carry match. (details) |
September |
Saturday |
11 |
9:00 |
IDPA Match & "El-Prezidente Super Challenge" (details) |
October |
Saturday |
16 |
9:00 |
IDPA Match (details) |
November |
Sunday |
7 |
12:00 |
IDPA Back-up Gun Match (details) |